What's your favorite aspect of the ShanniiWrites forums?

What your favorite thing about this forums?

What always seems to bring you back?

RP, debates, the people? What about this place makes you happy?

I think my favorite thing about this forums is the diversity and how welcoming it can be. It’s really nice that I can access so much perspective to further my knowledge about a wide range of topics. What about you?



I really like the people here, and the roleplay section is so nice :blush:

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Role plays is where is stay the most

The restricted section is good so is the RP and forum games

The rps and most users

the lack of conservatives

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I really like that I can find the right spot to talk no matter what mood I am. If I feel creative, there are threads to talk about any kind of art. If I’m angry, I can find places to rant or just state my opinion. And for happy times, there are always people to talk to! :smile_cat:

@MichiTheThird You’re new here, so what’s your favourite aspect of the forums? :smiley_cat:

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The fact I’m admin is pretty rad tbh I like having power

Well, I haven’t gotten kicked out yet. :rofl: So, for me, it’s:

  • the warm welcoming
  • the help offered
  • the lack of judgment
  • the diversity
  • the variety of conversations and opinions
  • everyone’s awesome
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Closed due to inactivity