What's your favourite forum theme? (Poll) 👀✨

As Shannii announced earlier today in this thread, we have many new forum themes now! You should definitely try them out if you haven’t already :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles: (you can do that by tapping on your hamburger menu and then tapping on the one you’d like to try, the one you’re currently using should have a * next to it :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:)

So which of the forum themes are your favourites? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smiley_cat:

  • Dark
  • Dark Alt
  • Dark Alt With Purple
  • Dark Alt With Red
  • Dark With Purple
  • Dark With Red
  • Light
  • Yellow Shift

0 voters

And is there any way we could still improve them? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

(I’ll tag @Discussions, so we’ll hopefully get some feedback on the new themes :eyes::green_heart:)


Any of them that are dark :joy:


Mood tho

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I am very opposed to any other color that isn’t dark

I currently am using Dark with Purple

Yellow shift!! It’s happy and isn’t too light that it burns your eyes, but light enough to still look happy and positive. :sunflower: :sunflower: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :coffee: :coffee:

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Omg there are other themes?!

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Oooh! I love the light and yellow shift themes (probably since I’ve been using dark for almost all my apps and needed a change :rofl:)

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I’m using light right now

Dark with red! The red looks amazing, I love the blue around pfps and for PMs, and dark alts are too dark for me since they just reflect me in the screen


To the people who picked light: Why do you hate your eyes so much? :eyes::eyes:


Light actually helps…


Dark alt is so comfty! And dark alt with purple is beautiful-

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Dark Alt with Red will always be the superior one for me. The red color blends very well with black, and the red used for it isn’t very bright. Although I’m using Dark Alt with Purple right now to match my profile aesthetic. I didn’t like it at first but I grew to like it over time.

I will never use light mode because I can barely read anything using that one. Too bright :grinning:


dark. light.
. . . . . . . .

dark alt is my new fave

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