What's your favourite type of food you eat when you're stressed and why?

For me ice-cream is my comfort treat when I’m feeling a bit woke :ice_cream:
I know it’s not food but yet still it makes me feel cool calm and collective.
Also crying helps my stress go away :pleading_face::100:

  • What do you eat when you’re under stress?
  • How do you deal with stress?
  • Does crying make your stress go away?

@Foodies, what about you?

I don’t stress, so that’s not a thing for me. Though if we’re talking about when I’m upset/annoyed/angry then I’m the opposite. I tend not to eat at all, I’m put right off my food.


Chocolate :eyes:
For the drinking part, I drink tea.

Tbh, I don’t have a workable method but I keep mumbling to myself no matter how nonsense that sounds. It helps relieve the stress because I am talking to at least someone (even if its just me, I know that sounds messed up :flushed:).

Sometimes. But I have a stupid belief that crying makes us weak and pathetic… so it doesn’t wash out all my stress. I talk to someone or myself. That does the trick.


Ahh yeah I understand this.

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Are you the same?

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Yeah I don’t know why people think that crying makes a person weak although when I cry, I cry alone by myself so no one knows and then I feel much better after :sparkles:


Yes if I’m angry I tend not to eat…I guess it’s a natural thing to not eat when you’re upset :grimacing:

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I didn’t think so. Look at those cliche romance films where a girl is left broken hearted and she’s sobbing over a pint of ice cream or something.

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Ughh for real… Although I don’t even watch these films because romance isn’t my thing…I love horror/action :sunglasses: or sometimes thriller.

But it all comes down to how everyone deals with stress and/or anger… we all have different methods which works for us.

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HA. Same here. Though I see it in comedies. I love horrors and thrillers too, as well as comedies.

Exactly. We’re all different.

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Ice cream and ramen noodles because it calms me.


Ice-cream or Chai tea. :eyes: The flavors just cure me.

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When I’m stressed out, I usually go right for any form of chocolate I can find, whether it’s just a piece of chocolate or a chocolate cookie. I’ll also get chewing gum.

@Foodies - what do you eat when you’re stressed?


I’m usually not hungry when I’m too stressed, but I do tend to eat more snacks.

Having a mental breakdown!

For me, it’s helpful to cry and vent, to get it all out. But if it happens in front of people, I usually feel worse afterwards. Especially if it happens at work. Because people seem to think that if you cry because of stress, you’re weak and have no control over your emotions. And that’s so untrue.

I’m the opposite to most here. When I’m really upset or angry, I don’t eat. Food isn’t comfort and kind makes me feel ill without physically being/feeling ill.

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For me its ice cream, salty food (chips) and chocolate.

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I can’t eat when I’m stressed, I just cry

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Recently, it’s been either something really sweet (like chocolate or cookies) or really salty (like potato chips)

Not well.

Not really, but it definitely feels good.

@Students - what’s your favourite thing to eat when school is stressing you out?

Um if it’s anxiety, crackers (but that’s not really enjoyable, I don’t really like them) or something like fruit (usually oranges).

If it’s like any other stress then just comfort food. Sweets, etc.

i deadass just cry myself to sleep but if i had to choose it would be any drink with Coffee it just calms me down

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