When Do You Start And Finish School Year?

I would like to know: when do you start and finish school year (in your country)?

In my country, All schools (elementary, intermediate and high schools) start school year on September 1st. But, the last day of the school year isn’t the same day (but the same month - June):
Elemntary schools: June 30th
High schools (including junior high school students): June 20th

And, of course we have holiday breaks. And we don’t go to school on Saturdays (and sometimes Fridays).


I think I start later than the lower year, I start September 6th :thinking:

As for finishing that depends on when I finish my coursework

I’m in the UK but this isn’t the same for everyone

Secondary school used to be September 4th and July 21st


Oh in my country it always depends each year. This year it officially started on 15 July and my school will start on 26th August.
However we always get one or 2 weeks earlier off depending if you are going to high school/secondary school next year or if you are in highschool/secondary school and if you’re grades are good.

(I really hoped I named the schools right :laughing: )


What…? Well, if someone from my country saw what you said now, he’d wish for the school year to be shorter.

By the way, you wrote “you’re” instead of “your”. Hope I am not being rude by correcting you :grimacing:


In my country it starts in 13-15 september and ends in June around 5-7 in middle school. In elementary school it ends in june 27 and kindergarten in August


I start in September, between 4-8.

I end in June, mostly on 26-28.


Most schools in Melbourne, (‘straya) start around the last days of January or first days of February. It finishes at early December or somthin’, can’t remember :woman_facepalming::man_facepalming::green_heart::black_heart:


I’m old and out of touch so idk :3


I start on Sept 3rd, I think my brother is lowkey jealous because he starts like two weeks before me at his school lol


Moved this to the school category for you :school:


I start in April, then there’s a break for June and half of May and half of December in between and so many holidays. Then the school ends in February with exams in March.


We start in August, have our December break, and then start our summer vacations for May, June, and July, until we go back in August again. We start early but leave early.

The freshmen usually start before the upper grades, though, and the seniors (i’m finally one yay) leave a week before everyone else’s finals so they/we can have a boat cruise, picnic, prom, and graduation practice/ceremony.


My school starts at the beginning of August and ends near the end of May. :blush:

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My school starts in September and ends in June


In my district, everyone gets off at the same time. However, it’s a tad different for high school. School starts this year on September 5th and ends around June 20th (It may be pushed back or forwards depending on snow days).

At the end of the year, all middle school and high school students take exams based on what they learned during the quarter (a quarter is approx. 2 and a half months)

The high schoolers don’t have to show up to school if they don’t have any exams to take. The principal makes up periods, and you show up if you have an exam in that period. Gym class and lunch do not have exams, so if you have lunch and gym on the same day, you don’t have to show up for school. If you have lunch on the same day as another exam, if lunch is before the exam you don’t have to show up. If lunch is after the exam, you can go home. The only rule is you cannot leave as soon as you are finished. The school gives you a specific time, so you don’t disturb anyone or cheat. The middle-schoolers have to stay the entire day and don’t get as much lenience.

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This year, school starts on September 3rd and ends on June 18th. However, in my hometown, school started mid-August and ended the first week of June. I prefer starting school earlier because I lose my focus once the scorching June weather rolls around.


i start in a week and then for now get out june 13

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I start September 4th and end July 3rd but if I finish my work early I can leave :joy:

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thats really long :no_mouth:

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I don’t know when I finish this year honestly

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