When reading a book, how do you remember the page you’re on?

There are many ways you could remember the page you’re on when reading a book! You could use bookmarks, fold the corner of the page (a dog ear), simply remember the page and hope you don’t forget… :joy:

@/Bookworms, what do you do? When reading a book, how do you remember the page you’re on?

I fold the corner of the page :eyes:


I use bookmarks


Put a pencil or a pen between the pages I want to remember. So instead of the whole house, I will search my books for stationery I apparently lost :star_struck:

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With a bookmark.

I normally use a bookmark, a pencil/pen or a piece of paper.

we call that a æsel øre(donkey ear ) here in Denmark, also dont do this. especially on library books.

also for me usually I use book marks but if I cant find one I leave it with open face down.

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Dear god-

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It’s easier for me, and those are my books, so don’t worry!!


It’s okay I fold the corner of my page too :relieved:

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Makes me feel better :pleading_face: :joy:

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I stopped folding the corner of my pages! Upgraded to using bookmarks :joy:

I just use a book marker to remember or read out the whole of chapter one and place a bookmaker on the page for chapter 2

I typically use a bookmark (although it’s usually a random scrap of paper as opposed to an actual bookmark)

Bookmark. If I don’t have one, I just remeber it…

If I don’t have a book mark I note the number somewhere

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Either bookmark or try to remember. Keyword being try. @Bookworms, what do you do?

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Note it where? What if you lose the number somewhere?

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Good point.

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In my phone notes, not likely to lose that. This is just for if I don’t have a bookmark which can happen.

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