When will you get married do you think? How many children will you have?

I don’t think I’ll get married, I have a hard time trusting anyone and I’ve never been in a relationship and I see a lot of relationships fail and the end results were terrible and I don’t want my kids to have to go through what I did. But may be that will change when I’m older and matured cause I’m only 14 and have no clue about relationships


Agreed, you are still young so you still have time to think about what you will do in the future.

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That’s a good way to go about it.

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Exactly, I still have no clue what I want for a job, I should.start thinking about it soon but I’m way too indecisive

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Start thinking about it when you are ready. When you really want to start working on your big plan would be freshmen and sophmore year in high school. This is when you will want to start going over what you want to do plus how to achieve that goal.

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I love kids and would like to have my own one day. I’d also like to get married, but I consider marriage a lifelong commitment, so I don’t want to marry someone that I’m not really compatible with or who doesn’t share my values.

I do enjoy being an aunt, although my nephews are actually my cousin’s kids. I don’t have siblings, but I consider these folks my closest family. :sunflower: :sunflower: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :coffee: :coffee:


I have to start thinking about it now because It would take a while to actually decide.

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Oh, I forgot to mention how many children I’d like to have!

I want a boy and a girl, or two boys. :sunflower: :sunflower: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :coffee: :coffee:

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Yes, it would be best to start doing that then.

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I hope this happens for you!

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I’m demi :sparkling_heart: so I’m excited at the idea of marriage because it’s a long term commitment, and I enjoy the idea of spending the rest of my life with someone I love. Is that cheesy? idk

As for kids, I haven’t really thought about it, but I probably want 2-3. Preferably at least one of each gender, but if that doesn’t happen, that’s fine.

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No kids…maybe marriage

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I’m afraid the kids’ll be stillborn or die soon after birth…I’d loose it

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That’s my biggest fear

Those are just possibilities that could happen but are rare if you rely on others around you for support. Don’t try to take this on by yourself if it ever happens to you.

Thank you…my twin died soon after birth…so…kinda paranoid.

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Understandable reason to be worried about but as long as you take care of yourself during the pregnancy then you will be okay. Twins are always a strain on both the mother and the babies since usually the human body is suppose to carry one baby at a time usually. If I remember correctly twins skip a generation usually.

And my mom had an issue, making things worse. I was three months premature.

I think the best thing to do when you do get pregnant is to follow what the doctor says. You are going to want to see them on a regularly basis because of your mothers medical history. We are farther along in medicine then we use to be when it comes to pregnancies.


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