When you were a kid, what did you think your life would look like now?

I always thought I’d have a beautiful dream wedding, and I wanted to be a singer and actress. Needless to say, none of that worked out.

  • What did you think your life as an adult would be like?
  • Is it similar to what you imagined as a child?


  • What did you think your life as an adult would be like?

As a kid, I always imagined I’d have a house and my own family with a pet dog by the time I was 21. I also imagined my best friend living near me.

  • Is it similar to what you imagined as a child?

When I REALLY turned 21, all I wanted was to finish college. :rofl: I also came to terms with being bi-sexual. My best friend unfortunately passed away when her life was finally looking up (good job, good fiance, new place)…and it took years to process that grief. Now, as an adult, I’d be happy to have a small house of my own without the need of family, a roommate, or a partner. That might never happen, since life rolls like that. :rofl: But, hey! I’m still totally getting a dog. A cat, too. F*ck allergies.


When I was a kid, I thought I’d be a vet. HAHAHA. I never thought I’d have been living in other countries, especially ones that English wasn’t native, nor did I think I’d end up teaching. HAHA.

I’m sooo sorry to hear about your friend. I’m glad she was still living her best/happiest life though. Adulting is so different to what we imagine, right?

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I’m sorry about your friend :cry: :cry:

I want a cat, but my apartment complex doesn’t allow pets. But I’m definitely getting one when I move. :heart_eyes_cat: I love cats. I always had cats when I was a kid.


Well when I was very very little I wanted to be everything but didn’t really have like, I think the word is perception (?), so while I knew good and well that people lived beyond the age of 18, I didn’t think I did for some reason?

Well, I was shell shocked when I turned 18 and didn’t just poof from existence, I also didn’t end up following a single one of my childhood dreams. But I’m here :+1:

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I’ve been talking about this for a while now! I’m almost 18 for reference.

So… when I was like 14 I thought by the time I got to 16 I’d be a rebellious teenager constantly drinking, spurning her parents, and doing bad stuff and wearing short skirts and crop tops! Nope. Not that I’m shaming anyone who does do that, but I thought I’d change into a completely different person! I didn’t allow myself to actually just focus on being happy. That would have saved me a lot of pain lol.


Zombies. Definitely zombies.
Maybe next year
Probably next year
this might have to do with the fact I played the walking dead at like 10

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