Where can I watch Noragami?

I remember watching an episode or two, but I can’t remember where…a little help, @AnimeNerds?


I watched it on Funimation


Have you checked on Hulu? They have a lot of anime that is subbed and dubbed. You might also find it on Amazon Prime as well. I think you have to pay for the show there.

It’s on Netflix

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I looked there. Couldn’t find it.

Wait, never mind. That was weird. Found it.

I have yet to actually watch it. I definitely will, though. From the couple episodes I watched, I remember really liking it. And both OP’s are awesome. The second season’s OP is better, though, in my opinion. I also recommend everyone else to watch it if you haven’t already. @AnimeNerds

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Hulu has it! As well as Youtube and Google Play. And Amazon Prime Video.


YouTube was where I started watching it. I can’t remember why I stopped.

I think it was because I couldn’t find the next episode.

I’m almost done with it! It’s not what I expected, but I still enjoy it.

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It’s good! Also, what did you expect?


It said it was a comedy, but it was rather dark at times. Definitely had funny moments.

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I finished and cried about it (sporadically) for a good three weeks :joy:
I’ll miss that tracksuit … dramatically sighs

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its been 10 years since season two :sob:
…still waiting
Tho a few months back I heard a lot of older anime’s where coming back :woman_shrugging:
Maybe whoever coming out with mob psycho is done I’ll do Noragami

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