Where do you Get Inspiration From?

So I thought this would be a good little discussion thread for people to mingle their personal inspirations, maybe people even get inspired themselves!

I’ll start, of course.

I get a lot of my inspirations from my favourite media like most people. Skullduggery Pleasant is an example of the type of magic system I love, it’s a huge inspiration to the way magic works in my story.

The actual plot inspiration is mostly shonen anime like Bleach, Naruto and One Piece. Though the characters are much more seinen anime based. Usually a bit older with more depth and focus on who they are rather than what they do

My biggest inspiration in all fields is definitely gaming. I love stylish and fluid combat like in Kingdom Hearts or Devil May Cry so I try and show combat encounters as fancy spectacles on top of being tense encounters. For inspiration there there’s the Dark Souls/Bloodborne series. A great series for really getting what makes a fight tense and engaging. Then there are JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Persona to flesh out powers, magic, character progression and long-term plot and story pacing and escalation.

Real life things of course also give a ton of inspiration to any writer. I’m a martial artist, and using that experience in my writing is a ton of fun!

This was long, you don’t need to make yours so long but by all means! Go nuts, tell us what inspires you to write in a broader sense of you like!


I get most of my inspiration from watching/reading things to do with the subject. For example, sometimes I watch speedpaints on YouTube and then feel inspired to draw while listening to music. Another thing is reading stories. I never write stories for fun, unless it’s for school. But sometimes, when I’m reading things on Wattpad or Episode, it inspires me to do it myself.

The thing that inspires me the most is listening to music. Idk really, there’s something about music that just makes me happy.

Writing stories wise, I’d say that the film The Last Unicorn helps me to write. Don’t even ask why :joy: it just does.


I mean Last Unicorn is pretty great from what I’ve heard :joy:

Music is a big inspiration for actually physically writing I’ve found. I love music, and it tends to get me excited to write like nothing else does? So I get that


Agreed. Music hypes me up :v:t3::cowboy_hat_face:


Same! That and people-watching. I must look so weird :see_no_evil:


People watching I bet is real good for character writing xD

I’ve never really found it helpful but that’s because I’m an antisocial hermit


I remember once I watched twin girls arguing over a toy and I made a whole scene around it :stuck_out_tongue: Got an A in my drama practical exam for that!


Oooh yeah I mean. That does sound pretty rad.

But I would need to like.

Go outside


That would be a little bit of a drawback :stuck_out_tongue:


Writing-wise, I’m terrible with words, but these are ways I come up with weird plot ideas:
• Personal experience
• Music!
• Observing other people
• Sitting there with some tea and thinking. :sparkling_heart:


Listen I suck at the actual writing part. @ShanniiWrites is my editor for a reason xD weird plot is the part I enjoy tbh.

Music and tea :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Looking around and thinking crazy what if questions.
Looking at small objects and think how that one thing can change my whole life.
Think about what people might not expect and something I would love to do?


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Reading other people’s stories is obviously a big one. Your peers are a very good source of inspiration


is it weird that i actually get inspired overlay and background drives? it’s weird, like i feel obligated to use them in some way and then i piece them together and kind of create a story along the way :crazy_face:

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I tend to do that too, like if I get a DLC pack in a game I feel obligated to use it all? And I just get inspired from using it


If I’m really strapped for ideas, I turn my characters into sims and watch them interact. It’s really funny


i once made an entire story solely off of using overlays lol, but honestly it wasn’t bad :sparkling_heart::joy:

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real life scenarios make my inspiration go bonkers.

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I get inspiration from works of science fiction/fantasy.

I usually get inspiration from things I watch or read. And from songs. Lots of ideas I get, I find are inspired from songs I listen.

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