Which level of education did you have the most fun in?

Honestly, I don’t know! I feel like I always had fun but I probably had the most fun in high school! I had super cool classmates and we would do a lot of things together and have a lot of fun on our school trips. I do miss that!
But I also have a lot of fun now, at the Academy! People here are simply amazing and everyone is so accepting. I have some classes with the whole art department and that’s always fun!

  • Which level of education did you have the most fun in? Elementary, secondary, uni?

Definitely sixth form/college

Since I made actual friends there and made rad memories


The later the better


Either kindergarten, or high school. My high school was just awesome.


For me it was primary and middle school because I just played with my friends all day.

I’m so done with studying :joy: I like uni for being more independent but I haven’t been active in the student life exactly, I’ve mostly hanged out with my old friends :smiley:

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Primary school because I was smart and didn’t have to study for hard stuff. Just hung out with my friends and laughed but maybe the best is yet to come when I finish

Elementary school, it was rad :star_struck:

What about y’all?



High School. The best (for me, at least)


Primary school. Grade 5 was the best. I topped in literally everything, lmao.


Middle school, honestly :star_struck:

Elementary school was horrible – so many fake friends and so much drama
High school is just straight-up stressful


Uhh, none of them-
I never really had fun in any, but like 9th grade was nice :star_struck:

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I don’t have fun. :slight_smile: Most fun I have is in my head. :star_struck:


I think 3rd grade was pretty good, but everything went downhill from there

High school (granted, I’m not in uni yet, but elementary school sucked for me)

uhhh probably 5th grade :thinking:

Primary school :smile_cat: It was fun, we were all kind of friends and we didn’t have to do much for school at home. University is good now, but I’m just so busy :upside_down_face:

Elementary school. I used to come home, do the 1 page of math homework which my teacher had assigned, and then play outside with my friends until like 8 PM :star_struck:

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