Which one makes a better gift - money or material object?

Which one do you prefer to receive as a gift during special occasions such as birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, or any other significant day? Money or a physical gift?

For me, I personally appreciate physical gifts more since it holds more sentimental value. It doesn’t matter whether the gift is cheap or not because it’s always the thought behind it that matters. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like receiving money as a gift. Some of my older relatives give me money as gift for my birthday or holidays. And I end up putting that money in my bank account. Or sometimes I use it to buy food :eyes:

How about you? Which gift do you prefer to give and/or receive? Money or a material object?


I prefer money unless the physical gift is given to me by someone who knows me well enough to get me something I like


I prefer money

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Something that is bought always feels good to me, because I like to think that they actually took time to buy something that they think I would like.

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This is my only option lel

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All my money goes down into my stomach. But still worth it :joy::yum:

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no regrets :relieved:

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Though a material gift is a nice thought, I’d prefer to get money so I can buy something I like.


I only get physical gifts from my boyfriend and of course I like that more than money but other than that I don’t get gifts haha…
I do get money from my family but that’s it. No one else ever gives me anything so I don’t know. I guess I do like getting money because I’m always saving up for traveling.


I’d rather have money unless I’ve specified what I want. When I get a bunch of stuff I will never use/will regift, it feels like a waste >.>


Physical gifts
When I get money I buy food and booze with it :joy:


yes exactly


A lot of people don’t really know what I like so I prefer money so I can use it to buy whatever I want. :eyes:


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