Which online book stores do you use?

I’m always searching for new options since :sparkles:Book depository :sparkles: got shut down. I was only getting books from them (online), it was so easy, I didn’t have to pay for shipping…

Amazon is not supported in my country (wow what a shocker) so that was never an option. I recently ordered from Kennys and I don’t know how to feel about it. You do pay for shipping but I waited for soooo long and had to pay extra because :sparkles:my country is great like that :sparkles:

I know there are also options like Waterstones, Blackwells (I’m thinking about trying that one next) but I’m curious - which online book stores do you use?



If I’m buying online I tend to try second hand sites first (vinted, then ebay) then, failing that, bookshop.org or biblio. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure bookshop is only available in the uk & us, but it is good for buying locally online.


I’ve used Fishpond a few times but I think it may just be for New Zealand.

I prefer to go to my local bookstore tbh, instead of supporting these big companies. But if I must buy something online, I buy either through amazon or the dutch bol.com. I also bought on awesomebooks.com before. It’s second hand books and UK based but relatively cheap international shipping to the Netherlands at least…


Oh I just remembered something reading all this
While I was in America I used to thriiift aaaaa lot and got a lot of books from thriftbooks.com
Might be useful to you all!


Yes I love thriftbooks! I believe they also support local bookstores.

I really try not to buy anything from Amazon anymore unless I can’t find the product elsewhere or need it quickly.