Which tabletop game do you dislike for no reason?

To be honest, I haven’t played many tabletop games to be able to answer this but I would really like to see what you have to say! Which tabletop game do you dislike for no reason?

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Monopoly gets tough if you don’t get the right properties? I’ve seen my family members get really vicious when playing that game. :rofl: I was always glad to lose just so I could get out of the line of fire.

Monopoly :grinning:

What about you, @Discussions?


Hands Down, YES. Monopoly. … And Mouse Trap.

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It’s just…I don’t even know. I just don’t like it.

Yeah, I don’t really like Monopoly either.

Chess :sweat_smile: I’ve never played it and I just dislike it for no reason

@Gamers What about you?

Tourist… it’s kind of like Monopoly, but more boring.