Tag someone you think seems cool but have never really spoken to! Let’s see if we can see some new friendships blossom!
@Cam seems awesome! We have a lot in common (like favourite authors) and I love their long posts They’re very new, so I can’t wait to speak to them more!
@everythingslayer I love your bio and I see you lurking I’d love to speak to you, too!
I really don’t know why I posted so much on my first day tbh, the forums were just so interesting and everything just sort of poured out.
I’d love to get to know you guys better as well! I always like getting replies to my rambling so I’ve really enjoyed the conversations we’ve had so far and I hope that there are many more to come \o/
Despite how much I type I am kind of shy so I was really debating whether or not I should’ve said anything but I’m glad you feel the same
U-U thank you so much, that means a lot coming from you. I think your posts are awesome!
U-U ahhh thank you, you’re so cool as well! I’ve really enjoyed reading your replies.
Hehe, don;'t feel the need to post too much xD The forums aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. And you’re partially to thank for that Revitalising a lot of threads on that first day of yours, lol.
Thank you, cool is not a word that gets thrown at me often xD
xD It just kind of happens. It’s actually kind of fun! I may or may not have told Cam to do the same when they said they had a lot they wanted to reply too
I probably should have checked the dates before I posted, I kind of just kept clicking the recommended threads I got from other threads and before you know it all these old threads got bumped to the top >~<
WHAT? But you’re so cool! Your replies are amazing and some are pretty insightful. and you like art and anime That’s pretty cool if you ask me.
@/Cam I’m stealing your cool quote and reply format dude, you’re a genius!
Weird is good \o/
And hell yeah, Cam’s really smart and interesting (the superior nerd) and I’ve been wanting to see them post their opinions on here >~< As long as it keeps the forums open I shall post as much as I need to.