Who else is having a terrible day?

So this morning I wake up and my work pants ripped at the seams then I had to drop something off at the office in my development and trip over the uneven sidewalk and fall face first on to the ground ripping my pants again at the knee and busting up both my knee and my ankle all because some lady needs to ask me a question… so I had to rush into a store to buy new work pants (while limping I might add) to finally get my my crap job and work the closing shift with pain all down my back and ankles… just to have one of my coworkers get fired… so all in all I’m having just the peachiest afternoon… how are you?! :smiley::joy:

Send Help… I don’t think I’ll make it :sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:t3:


Aww that sounds like a terrible day… Are you alright right now? How is your ankle right now?


Better I guess… Thanks! they are both banged up pretty bad and I have a concert this weekend :sweat::joy: But it’s Backstreet Boys so I’m gonna jump through the pain :sob::joy:


Aww I feel really bad for you. Do you still have work tomorrow? maybe try to go to bed early? Idk if it will help though I’m not a doctor :broken_heart:

Dang it stupid terrible days always got to ruin it on the worst times :confounded:


Yes I work tomorrow then I’m off til Tuesday so I’m gonna take it easy as much as I can… :joy::sweat_smile: it’s just my luck tho my past birthday I sprained my ankle 5 days before I went to NYC for 2 days :woman_facepalming:t3::joy: I have the worst of luck :woman_shrugging:t3:


Stay strong :muscle: take as much rest as you can :heart: and ugh same watch this happen to me on the first day of school haha I always have the worst luck aswell :laughing:


Bahaha thanks my clumsy ass needs all the help I can get :joy::sweat_smile: but at least I can laugh at myself :woman_shrugging:t3::joy: there’s always that I suppose

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I know this is cliche, but it will get better. Try to shut yourself down - have a nap or go to bed but don’t think about anything or dream. After you drift off it will feel like it never happened or at least like it wasn’t “real”.

I hope you’re doing ok :blue_heart:

EDIT: Sorry if this wasn’t clear enough. This helps me when I have a bad day.


God one of those days…

I know that feel :confused:


Nice bath with some salts and aromatherapy oils should ease the aches in your body. Then keep your ankle elevated on a cushion on a stall or sofa, rest it and ice it for a while now and again to treat the swelling and ease the pain. It’s important to rest a sprained ankle as much as possible. Avoid walking on it or moving it, lowering it etc, too much.


Blerg sprained ankle and knee injuries suck. Try to rest and let your body do its thing for as long as possible! Feel the horrible, no good, very bad day vibes and hope tomorrow is better! And have fun at the concert!

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Someone get me a drink, I might jump out of a window


Thanks as the day went on it was surprisingly light so maybe the universe decided to give me a break :joy::sweat_smile: it was definitely a rough start to the rest of the week… talk about ”sliding into the weekend” :woman_facepalming:t3::joy: my body took it literally :roll_eyes::joy:


:sob::joy: I know… at least you can relate… I’m trying my best to remain positive tho… that’s why I’m just laughing at myself :woman_facepalming:t3::joy: it could’ve been a lot worse so I’m actually pretty lucky :joy::woman_shrugging:t3:

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So luckily it’s not sprained this time! :sweat_smile::joy: but I will definitely soak in the tub once I get home :bath:t3:

:heart_eyes: yasssss get me some Backstreet loving :smiling_imp::joy:

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This day has been screwed up for me.

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Aww what happened to you?! :pleading_face:

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I overslept then went into work not feeling up to it. I’m just in a bad mood from not sleeping well last night. I’m off now.


Ugh I know that feeling! But at least your off now and can relax! Just look at the bright side
tomorrow is s new day and a fresh start! :blush::two_hearts:

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