Who plays The Sims? (All Generations)

Cool, I haven’t tried the college one out yet. Realm of Magic is fun!

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Just bought two expansions packs, I wanted to buy three but I’m being forced to spend the rest on my hair. :pleading_face:

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Lol that’s always a hard choice to make. I want to buy the remaining Sims 3 packs I never got a chance to get.

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I’ve taken over my dad’s work place so I can play the Sims 3 today on a big screen and stuff :eyes:

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Nice, playing it on a bigger screen is always fun!

Bump! :cloud:
I play the Sims 4 but only with CC and Mods.

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Nice, so do I! Which mods do you use?

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I use the Pose player mod, the teleporter mod, The extreme violence mod (:eyes:) and a few other small mods. :cloud:

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Nice, I use the slice of life, UI mod, mcc mod and few other mods for hair and clothes. I do have the extreme violence, drama mod, some other mods too but I’m going to remove the extreme violence mod since I barely use it.

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That sounds cool! I want to download the MCC mod soon.

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Yeah, it’s a pretty fun mod to use!

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I’ve had sims freeplay for years now but I just got Sims 4 earlier in April
I haven’t played in a while though since I got a new laptop and everything was deleted, like nothing transferred to this laptop and I had spent a whilee making a castle so now I just don’t have the motivation to make it again rip

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Same. Every sims player started out with the sims free play or sims mobile. :joy::eyes:


I know how you feel on the building part. I burn out when I do that too.

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I used to have sim play on tablet but unfortunately I have to delete it. To get another game.

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Yeah, I hate when I have to do that too.

I have the grand theft auto game from the App Store
It really fun but some of the level are hard. :thinking:

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I played Sims freeplay, Sims 1, Sims 2, Sims 3 (a lot) and Sims 4 (all expansions, stuff packs, and game packs currently) and I’m on my Generations family atm (on sims 4) and I keep taking screenshots of my family bc I can’t afford to lose the memories.

Also did you know, when you take a screenshot, and go back into the picture thingy (idk whats its called) to look at the picture, it has an option for you to turn that picture into a MEMORY? Hell yeah, we got a memory system. And if you do, it’ll tell you if the memory was sad, happy, inspiring, playful, angry, flirty, e.t.c. And your sim can actually reminisce on that memory.

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Interesting, I didn’t know there was an app for that.

I actually did not know that was in the game! Now I want to try that out. Oh post your pictures here if you want to!

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