Who plays The Sims? (All Generations)

You actually can play it on the PS4. I just ordered it on amazon

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I ended up downloading sims 3 on my laptop. It runs a bit slow but its playable and a nice form of entertainment because everyones out of the house.

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Yay! I have it too. I need to play the character I made.

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I rarely end up playing the characters I make :sweat_smile:. Which is a bad habit. I spend way to much time in cas.

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Sameā€¦it really is.

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The bad part is that. I will come back to it for like 5 minutes then exit out and make a new character.

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Oh same! You should see my Sims 4 saves. Theirs like a billion characters.

And yes that is a bad part.

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Yep, I saved inside of saves so that they are all in the same world. I lost all my sims characters when I changed laptops. Which now my new laptop is finicky about wanting to turn on.

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You can save inside of saves? Oh freak, that must have sucked. I hate when that happens, or when your in the middle of creating a character and then your laptop or computer crashes.

Hopefully it gets less finicky

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Yep! I know right!? Oh man that was when I use to play the original sims. Older computers couldnā€™t handle the program back then. Itā€™s getting better. I think it has to do with overheating but Iā€™m not sure.

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Maybe overheating is a factor? Im not sure either.

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Maybe, Iā€™m taking next week to get it looked at. Just to be on the safe side.

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Thats a good idea. Better safe than sorry.

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Oh! I have a question out of all the sims players on here who uses mods?

  • Of course, I use mods, canā€™t live without them!
  • No. Mods ruin the game and make it more difficult.
  • I have some mods but I donā€™t need them to have fun.

0 voters

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Give them a bit theyā€™ll answer.

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Mods are the best things about Sims :star_struck: Ever tried Extreme Violence? You can have gangs lol

I forgot about this thread :flushed: Iā€™ll make that ā€œwhich game you should buy postā€ soon


I had mods for sims 3 not for sims 4.

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Its an awesome mod. I always end up murdering the sims lovers.

I only have them for sims 4 since I just downloaded 3.


Now, I need to download that mod. It sounds really fun.

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