Why Are Community Stories So Much Better Than Featured Ones?

Even the original stories that Episode steals from the community end up being BETTER than the featured ones- seriously? Are they trying to make them cliche and bad?


Mostly because there’s a huge age difference on Episode. The younger crowd is mostly composed of readers while the older of writers. The youngest are more into bad boys, mafia, cliches of any kind and they make these cliché stories popular. While we do recognize them as “bad” this is what brings money to Episode and they try to fit these cliches in every featured story. All of these are expected from stories now, I wasn’t planning in having romance in my story and I was bombarded with people saying how it is “incomplete”


That actually makes a lot of sense. But it’s messed up that they’re showing younger people such messed up stories!


So true… at least now they’re trying to feature some good stories. Trapped by Alusza and Toothbrush by Lucky are actually really good


It’s already bad enough the types of stories they purchase have their own issues, but they could at least fix the directing and grammar mistakes in the stories they purchase. Goodness. They’re supposed to be professionals and they’re making the stories they buy look so amateur.


Well Episode thinks of featured stories like any cliche company would. They think sex and romance sells and they put no effort into it because they just want money. Their featured stories have no character development and 50’s like characters. Ms. nerdy, Ms. Popular & Mr. Bad Boy. Many of these are 50s tropes and most of their stories take place in today’s central timeline but their characters are stuck in vintage times. While community stories don’t worry about money as much and do it just because it’s what they love to do and what they’re passionate about, and when you’re passionate about something you put your best into it, making community stories better. Not only that but community writers think like humans and not robots like Episode.

Take Gravity Falls as a community stories and Teen Titans Go

While as Gravity Falls had so many great components that made it a great show, Teen Titans ditched it’s original good things and became a sellout and just aired things they thought kids wanted to see. But they had a stereotypical way of thinking, so therefore Episode is Teen Titans Go in this situation.


What if they make them so bad on purpose?
They would most likely benefit from it, because they would get discussions about the stories which could make people curious enough to read them and some people will even make videos about them because they can get more popular by laughing about them and are more likely to spend gems to show people how ridiculous episode stories are :eyes::sparkles:
It could also help motivate people to write their own stories since they’ll feel more confident about their writing or at least want to create better stories because they want to give people something good to read, which would bring them more profits since they can put ads before every chapter :eyes::sparkles:


Gravity Falls is SO much better that Teen Titans Go too. I could never stand Teen Titans. It was just nonsense.


Mostly because it’s more original and because you don’t have to use any gems for the golden choices.

Because the featured ones are trash…?

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Because community writers usually write what they like writing about instead of selling out and writing about what’s popular. Many community writers take the time to develop their characters, learn advanced directing skills, and give their readers interesting choices.
Featured stories only care about gem choices, and most of their MCs are self-inserts for the reader, which is why they usually have no personality.



The reason is because Episode writes what brings them money instead of what would bring in extremely loyal customer’s. As an Episode reader I’d rather spend my (parents) hard earned money to buy diamonds for choices that are actually worth it instead of some dress that I’ll only wear for twenty seconds.

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Haha true!

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I think the reason is that Many community writers take their time on creating an-almost perfect character with good features and skills so that their readers would enjoy the interesting choices. Featured ones don’t go through this much stress they only care about having to buy gems and making almost everything gem choices and most of the characters there are not full developed with skills and unique styles.



Added a story tag :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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