Why are weird metal monoliths (dis-)appearing around the world? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

So, when I was searching for some information online, this image popped up :eyes::eyes:

There seem to be 10 of those in total so far and they have appeared in Europe and the US. Some of them seem to have disappeared already and there’s footage of some guys removing the first monolith which was found in Utah (that’s in the US) :eyes:

map from a while ago

So what are they?
Are they maybe just a weird art installation? :eyes::eyes:
Why do they keep appearing (and disappearing)? :eyes::eyes:


What I’ve heard is that the first image is a prop from a movie that they forgot to remove after shooting :eyes: I guess the others might just be art, not sure tbh :upside_down_face:


I was just talking about this in class, the teacher thinks it’s a publicity stunt


I remember the movie about it, just not its name right now. :sweat_smile:

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If it is it doesn’t seem like we were phased. Lol.

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Lmao yeah β€œoh some metal things…goes back to life”


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Uh… pranks??

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Lmao what is the purpose of those things-

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Like make conspiracy theories about them.

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