Why do people hate this emoji 😂?

I’ve seen a lot of hate going around for the “joy” or “laughing” emoji - this one :joy:. I’m super curious as to why, especially since I use it often and don’t want to be out of the loop…


  1. Do you hate this emoji? :joy:
  2. Do you have any idea why people hate it?
  3. Do you use this emoji? :joy:
  4. What’s a better alternative, if there is one?

Added some tags :innocent:

And noo, it’s a cute emoji, I often use it :pleading_face:

I used to hate it before but now I am pretty neutral about it :thinking:

Maybe because people don’t actually tear up while laughing so much? One of my friends said it’s annoying because it “exaggerates” our laugh.

Occasionally :blush:

I think :smile: is a better alternative.

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Why do they?? :nail_care:t4:

I don’t really hate it. I love it because it’s so confusing. It’s always read less like years of laughter to me and more like being too tired to tell if you’re laughing or crying.


Not really. I don’t hate it but nor do I like it.

Idrk but I think it looks weird lmao :sob:

No…I used to use it 24/7 and now you’ll never catch me using it

Idek but I feel the crying emoji is the best alternative at least it’s the one I use to show something was funny or now I just say “lmao”

YEAH @raviola wHY

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Damn ravioliii just got called out

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I use this almost everyday how could I hate it it’s so useful-




Yes :woman_in_lotus_position:t5: She has been bahaha

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Maybe people don’t like the way it looks? I dunno, it’s not a bad emoji.

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I never knew that people hated that emoji. Maybe the fact that it’s overused makes people hate it. I don’t think it’s a bad emoji.


Idk if its just me, but people I’ve talked to would use it when they were being rude or snarky in arguments and stuff. Like they would be like “and why are you ugly :joy:”

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I hate it it killed my family and friends dang you you ugly laughing emoji :rage:

But seriously who would people hate it? It’s a great emoji :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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I love that emoji! I use it when something funny or kind of embarrassing has happened to me.

Idk, maybe some people just need to go outside

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