Why do the Episode forums look weird?

Okay, I am unable to post on the Episode forums, and it looks really weird.

Does anyone know what is happening? How do I fix it?

Also, I’m sorry if this is in the wrong category, I had no idea where to put it. :sweat_smile:


I tried accessing the forums from a different device, and it still looks weird.

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That’s weird! It looks ok for me! It looks like your device isn’t loading images


Should I, like, clear the cookies or something? Will that fix it?

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Maybe it’s going back to the old forums :joy:


:joy: The old forums looked better than this weird version though


Try refreshing the page :sweat_smile:

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Tried that :grimacing:

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Have you logged off and logged back on? Sometimes I have to wait a few minutes :smile:

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Yeah, it still doesn’t work :sweat_smile:
I think it’s a problem with the school wifi or something

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Oof maybe, my school WiFi’s awful

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Try clearing your cookies? That works when this happens with Amazon for me

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I’ll try that!

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Closed since the problem was resolved and it’s been over 2 months since the last post. :heart: