Why do we hate teenage girls?

Oh another thing, there are some teenage girls that are not into popular things like that and there are older people that come up with “But all the other teenage girls like that, why aren’t you into that?”


Yup. Exhibit A:

Girl: blends in and is like everyone else
People: Ugh, she’s so basic
Girl: trys to be different
People: I bet she thinks shes EdGy or something…

It doesn’t matter what you do because the existence of younger people for some reason is enough itself to annoy the older generations.


I couldn’t agree more!


There are some teenage girls that are absolutely disgusting & arrogant such as Danielle Cohn. But I do agree that her mum is also part of this buffoonery.

But what about teenage boys? They do get hell from older men for liking things suitable for their taste, right?


I feel like teenage boys get criticized in our culture for liking “girly” things which stems from toxic masculinity in which only masculine things are “good” in our society.

So I think it relates back to the way that our society hates females, even if boys are the targets. Like if for example, a dude likes “chick flicks” or something like that.

The patriarchy oppresses men too! Men who don’t conform to societal expectations of traditional masculinity are ridiculed and it sucks. Let people be people.

(Sorry for the sh*try argument structure, I’m typing from my phone)


Exactly. You hear men trash each other for liking or disliking certain things. For example, some men automatically think that guy is “gay” for grooming himself. Nothing wrong with self-grooming!


I do agree with the people who said teenage girls are judged way too much, which is true. Especially by older people. :roll_eyes: However, as much as we are reasons to act how we are, they have their reasons as well. I’m only saying this since the way teens are portraying themselves and acting out today isn’t putting us in a good light. I have met way too many teens around or older than me that are immature, rude, unnecessarily loud, etc. Not saying we’re all are that way and that doesn’t excuse assumptions and generalizations of us. But it doesn’t help us either. :grimacing: There’s been many cases where teen girls have experienced drama and pain from others or done it to others themselves. This gives us a bad reputation.


I’ll say the most hate comes from the lack of respect we have and human decency. It shows. But again, that doesn’t excuse the constant dragging and bashing teen girls get. There shouldn’t be specific standards we have to stick by. Let them be them.


This is true. I have seen a lot of teenage girls act like they’re 25 years old when they should enjoy being a teenager. Same applies to teenage boys.


And I hate once we do be mature, they say “you’re acting too grown.” You either want us to grow up and be mature or not. Pick a side.


Ah yes that’s so true. But what I meant by teenage girls acting like they’re 25, I meant like drinking or dressing like they’re 25. Especially when there are teenage girls that do lie about their age to older guys just because they think it’s cute to date an older guy which can be very detrimental for the guy.


Yeah, sometimes we do take it too far. We can’t always blame them, it’s the parents who are raising them.


Yeah, there are very incompetent parents out there.


Yes. They’re young and not really as careful as they should be. The number of Instagram followers somehow means you’re cool and less followers means you’re not. So even if someone really is doing something wrong, you could just explain it to them sweetly (or at least with general common decency) through DMs instead of being rude or trolling children way younger?


Oh, that’s even worse. Just because others like it doesn’t mean we’ve to like it too?

This is so accurate. Truer post doesn’t exist. No matter what you do, they’re always gonna have something to say. The only solution I have actually ever known to this problem is to ignore those kind of people but it’s hard to do that for some people. :frowning:

Yes, which is really sad. This one guy in our class had a pink notebook once. The other guys still call him ‘pinkie’ for it, always making fun even if it’s been months. It’s not that guys aren’t criticized but it happens way less often, mostly because some of those who do like girly things would never let anyone know they do…


Tell me about it! I remember when I was like 11, I didn’t like make-up. One of my aunts put make-up on me and I got angry that I cleaned it all off and she responded with, “But girls your age have started wearing make-up so you should too.” I felt insulted because I didn’t want to grow up too quickly but sadly I did :confused:


Oh, my mom isn’t better. We’re still in the getting to know each other phase (my parents are divorced and I live with my dad) but she thinks she has some right on me and that somehow she knows best. I don’t like to get waxed so often. She was like everyone will see your body hair and I am like whaaaat? Well, seeing as I am a human and humans do tend to have body hair, I don’t think it’s anything I need to hide, especially if I am just 15. Sure, it’s important to maintain cleanliness but when you don’t need to do it when it’s still so small just because they can be seen. :frowning:


I agree. You should wax because YOU want to, not because she wants you to. Body hair is normal even though I don’t like it on myself.


Yeah. Plus, I am not that old and my skin’s really sensitive. It gets all red and itchy for at least two to three days before it’s normal so its not that unreasonable if I want to, like, postpone it a bit?


Exactly. I don’t understand why people freak out when it comes to body hair on teenagers? Girls in my school used to put pressure on me to get a makeover, it was terrible!