Whether it’s Twilight or One Direction or Taylor Swift songs, people really seem to hate everything the teenage girls love.
When Zayn Malik was leaving One Direction, there were these posts on Instagram and Facebook about it and those posts were taken very harshly by others. Like why? Why must they hate everything is teenage girls love?
I feel like all the stuff teenage girls love to do and see and like is hated. Twilight was nowhere near as bad as some other movies but then, why does it get so much more shit than the others? And Taylor Swift? If everybody has different tastes in music, why do I see Taylor Swift haters most?
Our opinions, likes and dislikes, the things we like are often belittled so much that some girls feel the need to say ‘I am not like other girls’ to be taken seriously.
There’s the assumption that teenage girls are not in control of their emotions when in fact, they internationally choose to obsess over things we like and the way we do it, while completely being in control.
But fortunately, while a lot of girls are strongly affected by the demeaning of their interests, most are badasses who don’t let cultural misogyny get them down and choose to do their own thing anyway, no matter how much hate they get, which I believe is pretty great because if they stopped doing everything we say they shouldn’t be doing, they’ll have almost nothing to do soon enough. What’s your thoughts on the topic? Do you believe that teenage girls are unfairly judged?
I’ve even seen teenage girls that liked the same music taste as me on Twitter get shunned for finding a certain band member attractive. I don’t get what’s so problematic of expressing your opinion on a musician you find attractive? Reminds me of these cringy metalhead elitists that hate on the teenage girls for finding Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance attractive or they like My Chemical Romance’s music for example.
I do agree with @line123462 that older people like to blame younger people for anything. Like I have been shunned really badly by women in their 30s and over for not wanting to get married & have kids and they have the nerve to randomly call me a slut just because I choose to not to do anything like relationships, dating, casual s*x, friends-with-benefits and all that other stuff. What I do with my life if nobody’s business!
From my experience, I was into a boy band called Busted (British boyband that existed when I was 9 years old) and oh man, I was crazy about that band that I had everything Busted like:
Annual (this book I had about them where it had facts about the members of Busted and pictures)
But omg, I got Hell for liking them by other class-mates and by distant relatives that were both older and younger than me it was bloody ridiculous! When I was so sad that they split up when I was 11, I was being teased by people that didn’t like Busted. Like they were all like, “HAHAHA BUSTED SPLIT UP! GOOD RIDDANCE!” in my face and omfg it was childish.
For those who don’t know who are Busted, this is the band when I used to love them. Just to warn you, their lyrics were inappropriate AF!!!
This is what their music sounded like back in 2003
I suppose some people do judge younger people. I don’t dislike things teenage girls like, and I don’t dislike teenage girls, but some, not all, can be a little bit frustrating.
Especially in the high school years, when you try to pay attention in class and those girls that squeal at everything disturb your learning.
Same with the people who hate on teenage fans of bvb for liking bvb or finding Andy attractive.
It annoys me because you can like whatever the hell you want to like regardless of how old you are. If I wanna be coming towards the end of my teenage years still listening to “teenage angsty cringy emo music” then that is what I’ll do gosh darn it!
There are some miserable people out there that will hate on anything that brings anyone any kind of joy and because teenage girls are mostly not shy about sharing what they love, they are often targetted. Imagine your favourite things constantly being torn apart by people who are older and supposedly wiser.
No I might not like this stuff forever but I like it now, it brings me joy now and if there is ever a time where it stops bringing me joy I’m not going to start being rude to the teenage girls who are into it.
I don’t like the stuff these older people think I should like. Why would I pretend to?
Yes I found everybody annoying when One Direction was a thing but I didn’t make fun of anybody who liked them because I like to try and understand things. Honestly, I can see the appeal a bunch of good looking guys singing a bunch of happy, catchy stuff and dancing around it sounds like fun. Who am I to judge?
Just because I like something different that doesn’t make me better. Yet all older people ever do is make fun of everybodies music taste, book taste, movie taste and general interests even though it is a personal thing.
This is annoying, i remember girls in elementary school liked a band and there was a concert they wanted to attend but boys kept mocking them, not like they were a good band but they lliked that band so…
I know we should discuss this on the music opinion thread but I think this is applicable to this topic lol. But anyway, it’s annoying af to see people like in their 20s and over hate on teenage girls for liking Twilight, Harry Potter (of course there are some girls that find the actors/actresses attractive like in Goblet Of Fire when Rob Pattinson played as a student in Hufflepuff named Cedric lol), One Direction and so on.
I remember on Facebook, one guy who was in his 30s attacked Episode saying that Episode is cringe and thinks that anyone who is 20 and likes Episode should kick the bucket. Harsh much? Who cares who likes to read Episode. Episode is for anyone.
It is ridiculous, teenage girls are gonna like what they like and be happy over liking it there is nothing wrong with that . (I believe we may have discussed this on the music opinion thread before).
Although I do know some teenage girls who compete against each other in an “I like it more than you do” way. For example “oh you didn’t cut your hair to look like this person you fake fan” or “you didn’t buy 100 posters, I guess you aren’t interested in this”.
I agree. They think that just because they’re older, they know better and whatever they say is right and whatever we say automatically wrong. But age doesn’t mean shit. I have seen fifteen year olds more mature than people in their forties.
Yeah. Like they just thought something and shared it. Teenagers aren’t usually really, like, shy to share their opinions. People seem to see that as an invitation to belittle them for their opinions.
See, it’s so cute how you did that. It’s not really nice when someone’s into something and they just go all out about it. It’s really mean of people do that… It’s like:
Family and Society: insults literally everything the teen does
Also Family and Society: Huh. The children aren’t spending much time with us now. I wonder why. It must be those mobile phones!
It’s so bad, so so bad and rude and like, oh my God, I have seen the same people who are like ‘i can like whatever I want. Anyone else can like whatever they do too.’ But when a teenager girl says she likes something, they be like ‘Omg how can you like that? It’s so bad.’
This. This is what I wanted to say. Maybe all the stuff I like right now is only because of my age. Maybe I won’t like it in the future. But either way, you’re no one to tell me what I should and shouldn’t like. I have my tastes and preferences and you have yours.
See, this is what I am talking about. You can not like the stuff they like. But why trash them for liking it like those guys did? It’s sad, really.
As if spending crazy amounts of money on stuff like that means they’re a bigger fan than those who would rather not/can’t spend that kind of amount for stuff.
There is this too, on here we say our opinions and they are opened to being challenged but for a teenage girl who may not understand the privacy aspect of social media, they will wanna share their opinions and interests with the rest of the world, they wanna create their own escape so when people troll them it’s horrible. You never know what is going on in somebodies life outside of the internet.
I don’t understand why hate teen girls for liking something that you don’t. Even though I am a teenage girl myself and I can’t say that I am a fan of the musicians you mentioned above, but I don’t see anything wrong with teen girls admiring famous people.
If you’re an adult and you don’t like whoever some teen girls do like, then fine. But with what right do you come and judge teen girls for them admiring someone? Let them be. It’s completely legitimate to admire famous people.
I believe so, yeah. If you ask me, judging them only for admiring/finding someone attractive is totally wrong and unfair. Well, I admit that when a friend of mine said that Justin Bieber is such a hunk, I was like “oh, come on… ”, but I totally respect her opinion and I know she can’t help it. Hey, just because I responded like that, it doesn’t mean that I hate Justin Bieber, but I can’t say that I admire him either. I don’t listen to his music at all
Like, let them love whatever they want and mind your own business.
I don’t think it stops at teenage girls. Anything classified as “female” is constantly denigrated in society. Romance novels are considered lesser than other genres because of their typical audience.
True that! I swear pensioners that are like over 60 that are so freaking hateful towards young people as I have mentioned in my previous response that I get hell for not wanting to get married & have kids; same by the women (mainly Bangladeshi & Pakistani women I’ve unfortunately encountered) pushed marriage and motherhood onto me just because I’m in my mid 20s, not married & got kids. They need to stay in their lane and let me live my life in peace.
This is so freaking accurate!! They shouldn’t be insulting everything the teen does in the first place. If you’re overprotective as hell over your children, they are very likely to push you away. Same applies to the parents that are like that with their children that are over 18.
That’s so accurate! I have seen a lot of people heavily denigrate women for embracing their femininity and that’s highly sexist of them to do that. If I want to walk around the streets wearing a cute frilly dress with make-up, handbag and flats that’s my business. I couldn’t care less if women want to wear hoodies & joggers in the streets.
Well. Twilight was actually very bad, and I was 17 when it started. It is worse than other bad movies, because it was more popular, so it has more influence. This makes it shitty, not just the content. But that’s besides the point.
I guess that’s just conflict of taste? Not sure. I never really experienced it tbh. All you have to do to not experience it, is just not be ashamed of what you like. Of course everyone cares what other people think of you. Someone less, someone more. That’s the thing about knowing yourself. If you feel like you are more affected by other people’s opinions - don’t share that much. Don’t try to fix other people, but recognize your strengths and weaknesses and act accordingly. Or change yourself.
I hear that a lot, but more in a joking manner, 'cause when I hear guys saying “oh, that movie is too feminine”, they don’t actually shame our femininity, they try to elevate their masculinity, and I’m not bothered by it, good for them. If said in serious manner, well, then the person is too immature/stupid to consider their opinion worth listening.
You know what kind of men I am on about…the men that live in Saudi Arabia as they think that wearing make-up, dresses, shorts, tank tops, high heels aren’t feminine. Same with these hags who feel the need to gossip about young women and they really do this out of envy.