Why do you like writing in your favourite genre?

Most people have a favourite genre to write in, right? I know that I have one. Do you have a favourite? And if yes, why is it your favourite? Why do you like writing in that genre?


YES, romance. I just love romance, love love, it’s my favorite genre and because of that I enjoy writing in that genre. It gives me the most joy and ahhhhh :blue_heart: romance :blue_heart:


Comedy! I just love coming up with random funny, lighthearted moments and dialogue. The most random stuff just comes to my mind while driving or cooking, and I’ve even sat in a traffic light laughing over a scene that randomly popped into my head. I also like adding in a little romance and drama to mix things up.


Fantasy: It’s real simple…I’m lazy, lazy, lazy. :rofl: Though I ground it in reality as much as possible, the limitations of reality require research.

Example, for my non-fantasy stories, I had to look up: Wounds and fatalities (and that just about any nick with a blade can become serious), the laws that affect crimes and domestic disputes, what private detectives can really do (nothing much but light stalking and garbage digging), and just how much studying or degrees and licenses are needed, along with how frequently they need to obtain them.

Meanwhile, in my fantasy stories: Wounds can have whatever fatality I want since these aren’t human characters, laws and disputes can be made up along the way, etc. etc.

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Thriller/mystery: Seeing what people would do for materialistic things is interesting. Not to mention, people are all different and have many secrets that they don’t wanna show to the world. I also like writing about class gaps and rich people. Writing thrillers gives me an excuse to write villains as MCs, too. Some of- most of the stuff that happens in my stories happens in real life. Everyday. Just like a k-drama. Mysteries are also fun to write because of how unpredictable they are. Love writing morally grey characters.

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