Why each character you create should have a goal

Goals are something your character wants and is willing to put time and effort in to achieve. Giving your character a goal is very important and I would say even a MUST.

These goals can be either big goals like: becoming a president or escaping a certain life style.

Or small like:
I want to fall in love
I want to learn a new skill.

A goal can help in many ways for you, the plot and others.

It can help:

  • You write most connected to your character.
  • Help you have a backup subject in case your character has no subject to talk about with others.
  • It can help hosts move their rp if needed.
  • It can create some real drama.
  • It makes your character relatable when you explain why they have the goal.
  • Help with the backstory of your character.

Here are some other examples of character goals:

  • Feel like they’re worth something.
  • Overcome a disability.
  • Be in control.
  • Protect a friend.
  • Travel in space.
  • No longer be afraid.
  • Be admired.
  • Be redeemed.
  • Find inspiration.
  • Prove them wrong.

Fantasy name generator has an list of goals of you want to try more and unique ones.

How important do you think goals are
And how well you you think about goals?


Yes, completely agree. (wink) Nicely said.

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