Why You Should Think About Your Magic System - ShanniiWrites

Magic systems take time and effort to get right. Here’s why you should think about yours before you dive into your story!


Sooo excited for this! I’ll read it when I get home :heart_eyes:


Yayy! Let me know what you think :3


Yes! Don’t mess up the magic systems. That’s one thing that I find weird with the Fantastic Beast series. The spells seem to be more powerful and flashier lol. It’s like there is less magic in Harry Potter. :man_mage:t2:

I will be writing a blog post on how to write good limitations for your magic systems very soon, so watch out for that!

Awesome :heart_eyes:

The Rastafarian Targaryen :sunglasses: What I love with GoT is that people don’t believe in magic anymore, they’re just tales they tell their children and that’s what we’re doing today. There are hints of magic, especially north beyond the wall. Love the suspense with the white walkers. Very disappointing to not get any information about who they were, hopefully the books reveals a bit more. They new how to build up but there were never a reveal :joy:

Brandon Sanderson :heart_eyes: I love the shardblades, gemstones, stormlight and Pattern and Syl. I read one of the books a year ago so I can’t remember everything lol, but the magic system is easy to follow.

LotR’s soft magic system is wonderful. But it does raise some questions :joy: At least from the movies, I haven’t read all Tolkien’s work so I still wonder why they just didn’t take the eagles :eagle: It’s wonderful and magic though!

Oh the setup was wonderfully done with Captain America being able to yield Mjölner in End Game :heart_eyes:

Love extrapolation! I’ll try to use that in the the stories I’m writing… which is none at the moment.

Ohhh, yesss, magic in the world will change the “real world”. I love the questions! Super good to answer when you’re working out your magic system.

Eng Lit class



Super informative! I may come back to this if I ever write a fantasy story


I would love to read it! :heart_eyes:

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And I wanna read yours! :smile:

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If I ever get to writing :man_mage:t2:

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Lol, procrastinating? :eyes:

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Exhaustion :joy:

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Now why is that relatable?

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Very important for Fantasy stories! Definitely going to use it on my Wattpad Story! ;3


A good magic system is soooo important! I normally don’t question everything in a story, so I hardly ever notice small plot holes, but bad magic system annoy me. I mean, if you create a magic system, then think about it!
That’s also the reason why I kind of avoid having a magic system in my stories, even in short stories. I’m not ready and patient enough to plan all of that and try to still make it seem realistic :smile:

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This is a super interesting blog post! The magic systems of stories really do need to be thought out, because they can really cause problems in stories by introducing a ton of super powerful things and are a whole system of magic that affects the world. One thing that I’ve also been super interested in thinking about but have never really been able to come up with a good answer about is how magic affects the technology of the world. As an example, modern technology would be built incredibly differently if there had been any level of magic that could have been used in creating technology. It’s definitely important to plan a magic system that has good balances in order to make a story feel a bit more real, explain the tension, and explain why society is the way that it is. I think your point about showing hints at what magic can do is also really important in telling a good story with magic, because it shows that the story is planned and helps enforce the idea of how magic works in the world.

Can someone dumb this down for me please? Ok confused! But seems interesting

But planning just takes the fun out of it… :pleading_face:
@ShanniiWrites do you have a blog for how to make planning fun and not lose motivation? I find that when I plan things out it is way less fun writing as supposed to having it just come from the top of my head :pleading_face:

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Hey @Bloggers and @Writers, why should you take the time and effort to create a good magic system in your story? Take a read of this and tell me what you think!

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Have you tried playing my world building game?

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Pls send a link :eyes:

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