The plan is for school to be back up and running again. A lot more classes are being offered online though, or allowing for online accommodations. It’s difficult since classrooms are only allowed to seat students every few seats, severely limiting class size. Along with the plan being to require face masks at all times. That’s why I’m hoping to have everything I take online, because I won’t do good having to wear a mask, especially when the weather gets cold it will make breathing difficult for me.
Oui, the first month of school this year for me will be all online…I’m not sure what will happen after, though.
We still don’t know because the original plan was that school would start on August 10th and that there would be ‘recovery’ classes… but now there’s no official date because we’re just waiting for the coronavirus traffic light in our city to be green in order to go back. (It’s currently orange.)
online classes.
I’m already back at school
Yea, We are in stage 3 of back to school learning which means no excursions, contact sports are not allowed, assemblies or people coming into the school grounds. We might go to stage 4 next week when holidays are finished
Stage 1 we had school once a week for your year groap, stage 2 was twice a week and stage 3 is all week.
. We have to sanitize our hands before we enter and as w leave the classroom, will e down all the desks.
I like school better cause I actually get my work done and dont have to clean or make lunch for everybidy
My school has officially cancelled everything in-person and will not be housing anybody except those who really need it on-campus
They’re planning to open school next year in February but they’re only allowing 4th and 5th formers (senior) to come out to school while 1st to 3rd formers ( junior) have to remain home
They didn’t mentioned anything about lower 6th formers an upper 6th formers so I guess they’re staying home as well.
I’m only going according to what I heard on the news
Here, everything is so chaotic that nobody really knows what will happen and how much the pandemic will influence this or the next school year
@Students What do you think about this?
In my country, we’re in hybrid mode. Some kids come to school while others stay home. It’s been like this since August, because last school year was 100% online from start to finish.
Closed due to inactivity