Words That Mean Something Different When They're Combined

Obviously, people know I’m a little bit of a grammar nut. So, I thought I’d take the time to speak about words that mean something different when they’re combined!

Usually this happens when a two-word verb is combined to make a one-word noun or adjective!

The plane will take off / The plane’s takeoff will happen soon

I think the car will break down / the breakdown happened at the worst time

I need to make up for my bad grades / I had a makeup test recently

I make sure to log in and check out the forums every day / I can’t remember my forum login

I want to run away / The runaway bride

Can you think of any others?


I have to look out for the criminal / I was at the lookout tower


ShanniiWrites is the best / I love everything Shannii writes.

I can barely make out what that says / I love when my boyfriend and I have makeout sessions

There was an earthquake yesterday / I swear I felt the earth quake!

I can’t believe they didn’t work out! / Why is this workout sooo long?!


Oh, yes! I remember doing a lesson on this earlier this year… I need to take out my textbooks and see if I can find some more. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :sunflower: :sunflower:


Ohh this one is a personal pet peeve:

I am A PART of this group / my friends and I have grown APART


I found a way to get home / I want to get as far away as possible

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:joy: lmao yay for grammar

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I’m wearing a lot of makeup.

I’m wearing alot of makeup! (This is not a sentence)

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