Working On Yourself During The Lockdown

The lockdown might be hard for some people, but you should take advantage of it! There is no better time to work on yourself, so make sure to take this opportunity, so once the lockdown ends, you will be a who new person, a better version of yourself.


Agreed, I need to start getting my life together, but this year is scary as hell. I’m still afraid of even doing things on my own because of how I talk to people, I’m still afraid of driving sometimes, now. I’m not feeling currently independent, people don’t do things for you, you have to do it for yourself, make sure you are well takin care of. So many things are happening around the world and guess what coming. Hurricane Season. Which makes it more worse for me to even think about. I just hope that everything will be okay next year to come. Full up, positivity, recoveries, peace, unity, etc. People, we’ve got to change our wicked way, if we continue, this world won’t be a better place for future generation.

Thanks for that optimism

Added a lockdown tag

I should work on myself… but sadly I don’t think making myself not to procrastinate would be near impossible :rofl:

I really want to exercise more, but it’s really hard :sweat_smile:

I found out I was bisexual-ace in this quarantine, and I found my true style and interests!

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