Worse By the Season

What are some TV shows/ films that started off well but got worse as each season/ part came out?

I don’t really watch a lot of American shows, I mainly watch a lot of Kdramas that usually only have 1 season (sometimes 2) so I only have one example.
Anyway, there was one show that started off super well and that was The Walking Dead. After a few seasons that started focusing on getting rid of Neegan instead of the zombies, it got really boring to watch.

@ ScreenSloths What about you guys?


I agree with The Walking Dead, and I’ll add Lost to the list too.

Lost sounds interesting. What’s it about? :thinking:

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cough Riverdale cough


People crash landing and surviving on a bat-sh!t crazy island. It’s almost like the original Walking Dead, except castaways rather than zombie survivors.

I’d say Riverdale and 13 Reasons Why. I liked Riverdale’s first season because there was still actual mystery. And now the next seasons don’t even make any sense anymore. As for 13 Reasons Why, the first season was okay for me but the succeeding ones are :-1::-1::-1:

Wow, the trailer is really good

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Spongebob and The Fairly Odd Parents.

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I stopped watching 13 RW after 9 episodes. I dreadfully forced myself to watch it, it just never really interested me. I also didn’t like the theme it was promoting

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Def agree with Spongebob, it has a special place in my heart tho

My friend actually said it really helped her.

I just don’t like it because the whole first season implied that it could possibly be your fault if someone commits suicide :woman_shrugging:t2:

Although I agree we should be careful with our words and what we do, it’s never anyone’s fault. It could make those who’ve lost someone or is grieving feel even worse about themselves

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Well, of course. I don’t think I’d watch it, but my friend loved it. It’s all opinion.

Yeah, I was just talking about why I didn’t like the theme and why I personally don’t find it helpful. Although people differ in views

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13 Reasons Why had plenty of triggering content and I still don’t understand up until now why Hannah Baker chose to blame others for everything that happened to her. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

I read the book years before watching the series, but the series was way too triggering compare to the book. Not saying that I loved the book.

Right. I don’t watch much tv, so I don’t know which shows get worse as the seasons go on.

Yes, I agree. It definitely was triggering. I also don’t think that it’s fair to blame others for actions such as suicide. it’s not a good thing to promote either because it seemed like the show was trying to say: “If someone commits suicide, it could be your fault. Imagine how triggering that is for grieving viewers

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supernatural. :grimacing: every season one after the other was just… power creeping. oh, you fought lucifer last season? here’s GOD’S SISTER. it’s just got so… random? out of nowhere? everything that had happened to them by the end was just so convoluted and. plain bad.

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haha, this was funny xD

I promise, every season you seriously get more and more lost, until the end when you like “HUG?”.