Worst medical experience you've had

We’ve all been to at least one doctor in our lives and while they can be very helpful, they can also lead to some pretty bad experiences. What’s the worst medical experience you’ve had?


Lol blood tests
I hate blood tests

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That’s me with MRIs. I hate those things with a burning passion.

One of my worst experiences was when I got crowns on my upper teeth… the dentist moved to New York before the work was even done and left her assistants to finish the job… the crowns started coming off and I had to get them re-set by a different dentist. Horrible experience; my mom sued them.

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I almost died. Was in the hospital for four months as a baby.


Ooh, did she win :eyes:

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Yeah, we actually did get a reasonable amount of money from it. :sunflower: :sunflower: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :coffee: :coffee:
I got my crows reset by another dentist in 2006, and I’ve had no problem at all since then. :yellow_heart:

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I did not go through this personally… but my grandmother had went through a really bad experience.

This was like 12 years ago, at that time none of my family members were either medically trained or we aren’t aware of medical emergencies.
My grandmother had an ischaemic stroke. It was only her and her daughter (my aunt) at home at that moment of time. So, naturally, my aunt called for our family doctor to check on her. At that time, we don’t even know the word ‘stroke’.
That doctor came over and said ‘There’s nothing can be done. Just let her pass away peacefully’
And we were all in total shock.
So, nothing was done for 2 whole days :woman_facepalming:
It was only the third day, when we noticed she had a scar epilepsy, following the initial stroke event.
At that point of time, a medically-trained relative came over and urged us to take my grandmother to the hospital.
If she was admitted immediately after the event, my grandmother wouldn’t have to be quadriplegic and wouldn’t have her speech affected.
And that doctor had the nerve to say ‘I bet you are satisfied now that you chose to take her to the hospital. She isn’t going to live long anyway. It will make her suffer even more’ :unamused:
And guess what, my grandmother lived for another 9 years, but she was in a vegetative state, ‘all thanks’ to that doctor :no_mouth: :expressionless:
It was upsetting to see my grandmother lying in pain on the bed, and being able to have a normal conversation with her.
If she was given a proper medical attention immediately, she would have 9 quality years.

I could blame the doctor currently, as I am now medically trained, and I know what that doctor did was totally wrong. No matter you are young or old, when there is a medical emergency, take them straight for a proper medical attention in the hospital.
Due to negligence and trusting a single doctor, my grandmother had wasted 9 years of her life on her bed.

When I was a baby and I don’t remember what my parents say but my lungs wasn’t get any air almost lost my life but still have nightmares every time I sleep. :cry:

My partner would disagree with me.

rigger warning - alot of pain and I dislike talking about it

But for me my worst medical experience was my induction with my son. The midwives in the hospital left me to myself didn’t tell me anything that was going on. The pain was intense. It felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out. It took my mum phoning the hospital before they told me anything even if it was just them calling me a lier. I was left alone from 430pm till 2am an I was wrong. I pressed the call button to asked for help plenty of times but it only rings for a few minutes before turning off. :pensive:

Once I was in active labour the pain tripled. I begged to have a c section for about 6 hours. Eventually at 5pm August 20th 2018 they found out my son was in distress and I had a temperature so I was rushed for an emergency c section. I ended up having to be put under general anathetic because I could feel every sharp cut with the scalpel. 1 in 20 the epidural doesnt work. They topped it up still could feel it. About 45 minutes later my son was born.

They found out that we would of killed me if I tried to deliver him naturally. 11lbs birth weight. All his scans showed he would be a normal sized baby. He was exactly 2 weeks late. So maybe that had something to do with it :man_shrugging:

We both had an infection ended up staying in hospital for a week. I also had to argue with the doctors and nursing staff about giving unnecessary antibiotics.


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