Would you go to a haunted hike trail

Would you wanted to check out these haunted hikes trails. Be careful when you do and watch the video to see if you want to do it. For me, no way on Fontana dam one that one creepy me out.

So will you try these haunted hikes trails?


Yes! I love anything paranormal.

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Hence my username and pvp

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Nice, I was watching the video earlier today and I wouldn’t want to do it.


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I’m going to watch the video again and you should check it out because they have different video on scary game you should never play to USA and around the world.

Oh, cool

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I actually went one other place that was haunted by pirates who lost their life in white point garden in 18th centuries. Although park is beautiful.

I also visited the Fontana dam but didn’t get to go on the hikes trail due to a terrorized legend.
Watch the video in here

They may have video that are haunted in your states.





During the night ----- hell no :smiley:

During the day sure, as long as we’re respectful, not taunting any spirits and I’m with people!

Finna force my friends to go

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I’m going during the night :ghost::skull::skull_and_crossbones:

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There needs to be at least 10 people with me for me to even consider it.

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I’m a scaredy cat and my mind likes to play tricks on me so no. :sob:

I won’t even stay in the car.

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shakes head Your loss.

My mind also plays tricks on me. Bring on the night terrors!

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Noooo :sob: I like sleeping peacefully.

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I… don’t sleep. I’ll guard you!

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Yes! :kissing_heart:

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