Would you prefer your favorite RP or SG to be a movie or a book?

I’m sure many of us have had the thought cross our minds that we’d want to see a book or a movie just like some of our favorite RPs and SGs, just like how some RPs and SGs are first created based on a certain book or movie. There’s not really a reason why there couldn’t be the idea of having it be the other way around. Of course, it depends on the RP or SG for whether it could feasibly work as either, or for which format would be more interesting.

So, what RPs or SGs would you want to see as a book or movie, and which would you prefer it to be?


Blue Royalty as a tv show, yes, thanks


Yes! I think we all agree that Blue Royalty needs to be a tv show


movie def. i wanna see blue royal in a tv show

FTD (by @ethereal, join join join join ) could DEFINITELY be like a tv show with 30 seasons ISTG omg
I need to be a film person and make it happen lowkey

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I already imagined it in my head.


LL as a chaotic tv series lmao-

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I was recently thinking about it, lmao

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Can I have both?


Most RPs, I don’t know, but the ones that come to mind for me are Blue Royalty and Fairytaled. As I’ve said before, Blue Royalty needs to be a tv series. Then Fairytaled, I see it almost as a book series, or it would also work as a tv show possibly.


10000% times yes

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:pleading_face: OMG FTD MADE IT HERE-
I agree with both!!!

I agree with what was said above. I think ROW can also be like a really epic tv series; but at the same time I think it also fits as a book like FTD :eyes:

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What’s ROW?

Yes I agree