Would you read this?

Ok so I had an idea for a story, which I’m pretty excited about cus it’s like, a fully planned out idea and i don’t have any writer’s block yet
(It’s also part of the reason I’ve been burnt out lately cus it’s all i can focus on)

but I was wondering… would people actually read it? So here’s a few points on it and pls lmk

  • It’s a first person, past tense story, where from a different perspective the MC would be the villain, but in the end they end up the hero.
  • The genre is fantasy, as it is a medieval style time in a completely different world to this one, and magic and all that jazz exists
  • The main theme of the story is emotional healing for the MC, who has been treated like sh!t all their lives because of their destructive powers and abusive siblings, who were angry at the MC because they were responsible (sort of) for their parents’ deaths
  • the main plot is that the MC is kidnapped, made to fight on the opposite side of a war, before realising that that side was the ‘right’ one, as their sister (the queen on the original side) treats her subjects horribly compared to the side MC is made to fight on. The conclusion of the story will be the MC finally forgiving themselves for their destructive powers and learning to love themselves, as well as defeating their sister and assuming her title, forming an alliance with the side they were made fight for.
  • There is a bit of romance, but it is not a main part of the story and is really just for those who like a bit of romance, you know? ie; the romance will not consume the MC’s every waking thought lmao

this is not an episode story, although i do hope to publish it one day, so yea - what do you think? and would you read it?



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It sounds good!

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Added #story and #writing tag.

Hey @Acorn06 how is this story coming along? :brown_heart:

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I’m on chapter 4 :sweat_smile: Kinda hit a bit of wrier’s block, but I plan to work on it through the summer :]

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Awe alright. I hope you get over that writer’s block. It can be annoying sometimes. :pleading_face:

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