Would you recommend Wattpad to new writers?

Would you recommend Wattpad to new writers?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Other (explain)

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Why or why not?



Nah, to be honest, I’d probably go for Tapas now.

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Yes, I mean I’d recommend them every writing platform I know, it’s their job to decide which one suits them the best.


I would. Even if you don’t intend on publishing your stories, it lets you break down the chapters, which can be helpful for new writers.


Not at the moment. Until WattPad makes a new community space, it’s a sinking ship.


I haven’t tried it yet-

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No, I wouldn’t. I think for new writers, it’s just too crowded already. If you have a finished story, maybe already a bunch of readers on another platform who are happy to support you, Wattpad could be good, but for new writers? No, I’d rather recommend Tapas

Yes. Wattpad is the perfect starting place for writers. Wattpad gets a lot of shade for how bad the writing is, but I think it’s perfect for people who are starting to write. Because everyone is usually on the same level of writing, and starting. So when you inevitably compare yourself to others, you wouldn’t feel as bad as you would if you were to compare it to authors of ao3. Wattpad is where I discovered my love for writing and reading.

A year ago, I would have, but not anymore. For one, without the forums, it’s next to impossible to get readers. And when they did have the forums, there was unfair action taken against people.

@WattpadWizards - would you recommend it to your friends?

  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • No

0 voters

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