Would you risk your life to save someone? šŸ¦‹

I donā€™t have real friends irl so nah I wouldnt they can dieā€¦not really please dont die but yk. But from the people I have met from ef and here yes I would def risk my life to save them. They support me in every way and are always there.

A kid I probably would because they barely had the chance to live anything else idkā€¦it depends how I feel ab my life atm :grinning:


Probably, but I would try to find a possible solution on how to save my friend while not having me to risk my own life.

Ehh, I think the best I can do is call 911 and let them handle the situation cuz I donā€™t have the balls to save them and risk my own life tbh.


Yeah I can do anything to save anyone whether friend or stranger
Life is precious :innocent:

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this depends on the friend. there are a lot of people i consider a friend, but that doesnā€™t mean i care or care a lot about them (as rude or selfish as that may sound). if i were given a choice i needed to think about when it comes to saving their life, i donā€™t think iā€™d risk my life for them because i donā€™t owe anyone anything unless it would be my child. but if itā€™s someone i truly love and care about, maybe. depends on who and why

no. i donā€™t know if theyā€™re a bad person, and theyā€™ve done nothing for me so i have no debt or favor to owe. but this all depends on the situation. for example, maybe theyā€™re about to get hit my a car and i decide to do something based off of impulse.

iā€™m saying this now based off of what i think, but i woudlnā€™t know what iā€™d do unless iā€™m put into that situation


Hi @spookysherry I want this to end already so I wonā€™t have to bother you anymore (12)

It depends on the friend and on the circumstance. I am willing to save a best friend, but I might step down if the situation is something I know I wonā€™t be able to handle well enough.

I donā€™t think I would since I donā€™t know them well enough for me to risk my life for them. The best thing I can do to help strangers is to let the authorities handle the situation.


It ok Iā€™m not even annoyed sm rn ok


Iā€™ll @Discussions here

Would you risk your life to save someone else?

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Risk doesnā€™t mean sacrifice so Iā€™d want to- If I actually do it or not- no Idea
But also it sounds fun, and in my top ten list of ways to die

maybe, I would like to think I would, but at the same time I might freeze and be unable to do so.

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It depends on how I feel about the person/people.

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Yes, I would for the people I love

If itā€™s family or a good friend I would risk my own life to save them. For strangers it would really depend on the situation I think and how big the risk isā€¦

I would hope soā€¦ But sometimes in the heat of the moment, you donā€™t know what youā€™d do.

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