Writhing block need ideas

So I kinda have got stuck in my story.

so kinda plot. fairy prince got crown as king. mc is his girlfriend(human she is) and I want him to propose to her. but I dont want it to be like the chapter right after the coronation. I need something in between but I dont know what. and I kinda dont want it to be some boring stuff where they just look around, but I kinda dont have any ideas

also, she just got to fairy kingdom (she has known the king/prince for 3 years been dating for 2 and a half) but she has never been in his kingdom before.


I relate.

Writers block sucks.


Maybe someone tries to keep them apart, so like she’s arrived but there’s something in the way of him proposing. Is anyone unhappy about the marriage because she’s a human? Could someone have started rumors that she was cheating on him or does he have a royal friend that she’s jealous of that she needs to come to terms with her jealousy and feeling like an outsider?

Or if you want more internal conflict, maybe the girl’s parents just got divorced so she’s unsure about the whole marriage thing or he is unsure and getting cold feet?

I know those ideas are a bit cliche, but might help!



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Most of the times, as I see it. Writers block occurs when u don’t plan the plot. U have to know where it goes. Also doing characters questionnaires helps to establish all the character arcs, which helps a lot. This way u don’t have to wonder what kind of events u need to include, u just gotta connect all the arcs, n figure out minor details.


I have a whole post full of ideas on what to do! Give me a little while and I’ll find it for you. I’m at work!


that is what I am doing now. I am tryining to plan what happens in the story

Do you still need help?

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True, writer’s block even happens when I do have the work planned as well…

Especially essays, that’s when it hits me the hardest.


Perhaps the human could get slightly lost on the way there?

Did it get better? Your writer’s block?

No I have not

I am considering not having him become king before after the wedding, aka first kill his father off later.

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Ok, that’s good. Do you like that path better?

I dont know

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I think you should try it, and if nothing works, change the entire scene in general?

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If anyone else want to list what helps them get out of writer’s block it would be very helpful. So what helps you get out of rut?

Added tags: Help and writing chat.

What helps me get over writer’s block is just taking a break. Sometimes I just don’t think the story is good/am completely bored of it and need to step back. Then when I am interested in it again I come back and look it over and get rid of the bad bits. I like having at least a little bit of motivation because I’m not ALWAYS gonna be inspired however I can’t write if I am so so bored of the plot/sick of it.

when i do that it always ends with me never coming back