Writing a Muslim Character: What I Learnt

Originally published at: Shani's Tutoring | Creating Great Minds

I spent a lot of time thinking about portraying Muslim people well when I created my character, Zaynah, for The Queen of Freaks. Here’s what I learnt!


Thanks Girl!


I am a Muslim myself, and I’m really happy because you chose to include a diverse character and also happy that you’ve decided to do your research. :grin::grin:


Great blog post like always Shannii!


To all my Muslim friends out there: if you get the time, please feel free to correct me on spellings or customs if I’m wrong!


This is something I’m actually still worried about. I feel like I just don’t know enough about the religion to write a Muslim character. I also tend to just ignore religion in my stories :sweat_smile: But this is super helpful! Especially the short list of phrases, they are easy to add in a story

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Hey @Bloggers and @RPers, this for those of you that would like to make your characters a little more diverse. Take a read of this and tell me what you think!

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I can talk to my Muslim friend too.

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