Writing a story and I need advice for it

Definitely. I’d say that the MC is sensible and does throw sass at the jealous bunny that acts like a high school bully.

Character names.

I would need your help on what will the character’s names will be. MC’s name is already sorted but what do you think I should name the characters.

Love interest of the MC

  • Andrei
  • Ivan
  • Evan
  • Noah

0 voters

Best friend of MC that works with her

  • Heather
  • Brenda
  • Hania
  • Candy

0 voters

Mean girl

  • Aisha
  • Ariana
  • Sarah
  • Malikha
  • Lubna
  • Salma

0 voters

ex-best friend of MC

  • Katie
  • Alexia
  • Lianna
  • Mia
  • Ana

0 voters

I made a few changes in the story as I decided that:

  • The MC gets fired from her previous job as a gym staff and gets her membership taken for no reason and she figured out who was behind all of this at the beginning of the story
  • The MC leaves the gym with anger, causing her to throw shade at the other staff members
  • The MC comes across a job advertisement that came to her door and took interest in the job by e-mailing the employer as a waitress in a gentlemen’s club called Beaus & Bunnies
  • The next day, she receives an e-mail from the boss saying to attend the interview and shift trial.
  • At the interview, the MC dresses up in a Pentagram dress with black tights (pantyhose) and a leather jacket.
  • During the interview, the boss takes a huge interest in her and instantly hires her immediately.
  • MC wasn’t aware that the members of Beaus & Bunnies live in the gentlemen’s club so she packs her things and move into that place

Would I also have to add images like:

  • E-mail format
  • Poster format for the advert?

This will be the love interest in the story

MC’s actual costume at the job

  • Prologue?
  • No prologue?

0 voters

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I changed my mind, I think my story will have no prologue (because I might suck at writing one) and I have decided to pick the names for the characters.

MC: Mezoria Thorn (even though the whole story will be exaggerated meaning that she is mixed race, lives alone and gets on well with her parents)
Love Interest: Mikhail Ivan Viktorov (boss of the gentlemen’s club)
Friends of Mezoria at the job: Heather Jones and Candy Wilson
Mean girls at the job: Ariana Islam and Ana Lopez
MC’s ex best friend: Lianna Ali
MC’s parents: Michael Thorn and Aliya Thorn

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I agree personally. I don’t think this kinda story needs a prologue. I think the readers should be able to tell what’s going on without one

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I was also wondering if I can write in character’s perspectives. Like when the love interests talks about his admiration for the MC and vice versa.

Hmm it depends. Does the story have a narrator that isn’t the MC?

I wasn’t too sure if I want to write in first or third person.

My suggestion:

If you want to write in first, you’ll have to split the narration between the MC and LI if you want us to see in his head, too.

If you want to write in third, use thought bubbles to express how they feel

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If it was an Episode story then probably I would do that but I meant like writing it like a book.

Ohh! Then yeah. Even more so: unless you’re going to do free indirect discourse or switch narratives, you can’t really let us hear the LI’s thoughts

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True. It’d be difficult to do one chapter MC’s perspective and the other his perspective; it’d definitely be easier on an Episode story than when it comes to writing like a novel.

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Although @Talu changes perspective between chapters in the Wattpad version of The Girl Upstairs and it works really well! I suggest giving it a read for some inspiration :wink:

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Haha sweet

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Sad news:

I am discontinuing this story for good as I feel that I dislike everything about it

@ShanniiWrites Please close this thread

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Closed by OP request, sadly