Writing a story and I need advice for it

Since I trust all of you with what I plan to write, here is what I have come up with since I have been thinking about this for a while even though I am not sure if I should put my mental health first or take my time in planning the story and write it.

Basically, I have thought about writing a story about a woman in her mid-20s who is not really a Mary Sue but she is in between a badass and a shy innocent woman. The story would set somewhere in London (since I am expert in the city as I would probably fail in writing a story in a different city or country as I would need to do a lot of research on it even though I may exaggerate on some situations later in the story). The MC is desperate for a job until she comes across an advert online where they would hire waitress at a Gentlemen’s Club but she doesn’t do stripping, she would just work as a waitress. So when she gets a job interview, the owner of the nightclub takes a huge interests in her and decides to get to know her which makes one of the girls that work in the club, jealous.

Without any spoilers, the story would be a mixture of romance, thriller and mystery. This won’t be an Episode story as I may flop with the coding but if I do make it into an Episode story, it would be in Limelight. I’d be writing all of this on Word and probably open a Wattpad account if I can.

Any thoughts and idea on this story? Should I add a prologue or just start off with chapter one? Please let me know.


I love it!

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I’m pretty sure you would know who would be starring in the story even though it will be exaggerated. Is there anything else I could add before I start writing a story planning document where I write about:

  • The name of the title
  • Plot
  • Characters
  • Locations
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Finding a title is so hard. I tend to focus on that last

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Ahh okies, I guess I should focus on planning the story and come up with character names then.


That’s a good idea.

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Yeah. This is weird, I just started planning a story yesterday

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Yup and write description of what the characters would look like. I’d say it would be similar to certain Episode stories but without the plagiarism of course.

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Yeah, your good on that. Most plots are different versions of each other anyway. As long as it has it’s own unique style then it’s good. If you have problems coming up with character details then I would use episode character portals to get an idea of what you want them to look like.


I’ll do that for the characters so I can add this onto the document where I write each description of the character.

The characters would be like:

  • The shy but badass MC
  • Hot hunky club owner that is around the same age as the MC
  • Mean girl that is a POC and is super jealous
  • Best friend that the MC makes in the story at the job
  • That one best friend that is shocked about the MC getting a job there

Yeah, that sounds good. Those are good notes for characters too.

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Yeah, I just need to think of names of the characters too and what they’re like

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I use this site for ideas. I tend to take parts of names put them with other names fron the lists they generate.

I’ll do a poll sometime this week to ask for your opinions on the names for the characters. MC name is already sorted.

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Okay cool! I’m definitely willingly to help!

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I need to come up with a very good plot twist but it’d be too early to think about that.

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Yeah, it’s best to get the characters ready first. Plot twist are best when you have more of an idea of the plot.


For sure.

I was also thinking should I write in first or third person?

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First person is tricky since you can’t use certain descriptive words. You can definitely try it out and see what you think. Third person is most used form and you can describe more of the scene and actions going on around you. I would try both out by writing a few paragraphs in each format and see which one you think is better.

It sounds awesome! But you’re right to mention the Mary Sue thing. It’s hard to strike the balance between badass and shy, so be careful!