Yanny or Laurel?

Yanny or Laurel?

This short audio clip of a computer-generated voice became a viral debate raging across the internet back in 2018. I remember being furious because people were hearing Laurel when it was obviously Yanny, which isn’t even a real word.

But the secret was frequency. The acoustic information that makes us hear Yanny is higher frequency than the acoustic information that makes us hear Laurel. So I tried so hard to figure it out and learn how to hear Laurel and I did it. Now I can basically pick what I want to hear and it’s really entertaining! :joy:

  • What can you hear?
  • Or maybe you can hear both?



I hear Laurel

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Laurel :eyes::rose::two_hearts:

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Both. If I think about hearing Yanny, I will hear it and if I think about Laurel, then I’ll also hear that.


Laurel. Every. Time.

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Yammy smh

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this meme died years ago

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Yanny, though it sounds more like “Yeah, knee”


I hear Laurel!
But when that audio first came out, I used to hear Yanny all the time.

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Laurel :eyes:

Yawrel. :thinking::white_heart:

I can hear laurel but if I focus I can kinda hear yanny

I hear whichever one I want to hear. Mostly laurel at the beginning though.



Spill the secrets, sis


I hear Yanny, but my parents both hear Laurel clearly. If I focus really hard I can kinda hear how it could sound like something that could be similar to Laurel, but I clearly hear Yanny.

Weird… yesterday I was on my iPad, and I heard Laurel.
Today, I’m on my laptop with headphones on, and I hear Yanny. :scream_cat: