Your coffee order!

When you order coffee, what kind of coffee do you get? What toppings do you like or what flavor of cream do you have in it? Where do you usually go for coffee? Best and worst places to order coffee?


I am simple and go for vanilla caramel. I like Starbucks’ and homemade coffee. :coffee:

I dont even drink coffee :grinning:

I don’t like coffee and it makes my stomach upset :hot_face:

When I make it at home, it’s either espresso with brown sugar and flavored creamer, or cappuccino. I bought the machine last year.

At Starbucks, I usually order frappuccinos, except for when it’s cold outside. I like the special holiday coffees, like toffee nut and pumpkin spice. A few years ago, there was a butterscotch frappuccino but it was a limited edition only.

I’m not a big fan of instant coffee unless it’s a flavored kind that actually tastes good. I hate café de olla because it tastes burnt.

I hate coffee.

Coffee is so disgusting to me. Not even the taste, just how it makes me feel. Last time I had it I didn’t feel energized I just couldn’t fall asleep and felt completely out of it all day

Coffee is nasty. I like Somali tea. It’s the only tea I’ve ever had besides :nauseated_face: green tea :nauseated_face:

I order water :star_struck:

I don’t drink coffee lmao
tea is nice - homemade

Dunkin is fire. So is Tim Hortan’s mocha coffee. I like dark roast and iced coffee. I haven’t tried all but I plan on doing so.

Lately, I’ve been getting the mint-chocolate frappuccino at Starbucks, or the mint-chocolate iced coffee. At home, I just make espresso in the machine and add milk and brown sugar to it.

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