Your Ideal Style

You’re welcome :pleading_face:

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I mostly wear whatevers comfortable. My wardrobe is basically baggy clothes or tie dye but Bohemian is a style that I’ve always liked.

Mine is always going to be emo, goth, leopard print, sporty or floral. I’m sort of getting into the e-girl aesthetics, I guess you can say that e-people are the new emo aha.

But then again, I’m very much in between depending on my mood. I wear mostly dark colour clothing.

For some reason, I stopped wearing jeans/jeggings. I’m so used to wearing leggings now days, probably because of my gym habits.

honestly spoon did an amazing job of getting something i’d totally love to wear with this pfp

some examples from pinterest of clothes i wish i owned


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Anything that is comfy and not a skirt or dress

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Aesthetically pleasing outfits I hoarded on pinterest :pleading_face: But, I mean, I can try to copy those looks with cheaper clothes and it works pretty well.

What I can’t afford though is to buy myself a huge hotdog suit ok :pensive:

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My ideal style is the one I have :joy: I wish we had a fashion tag or something

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