I understand not everyone has the $$ to buy clothes that fits their ideal style. What’s a style of clothing or an aesthetic you wish you could afford?
I wish I looked like a rich dude
I understand not everyone has the $$ to buy clothes that fits their ideal style. What’s a style of clothing or an aesthetic you wish you could afford?
I wish I looked like a rich dude
I wish I could afford to dress like Cher from Clueless and have a computer program for picking out my outfit everyday
High-end elegant dresses, jewelry, and shoes.
I just put on whatever I find in the wardrobe
Steampunk, goth, emo, and maybe grunge.
Ideal outfits would be jumpsuits (or actual suits with suspenders), turtlenecks with trenchcoats, and anything black.
something like this
(yes, I’m into men’s fashion. basically)
This is my look.
Added some tags!
And I really wish I had cottagecore aesthetic or dark academia!
Have you seen the way they dress!?
like a frida kahlo painting
if only I had the confidence know
my friend is into that! it looks pretty cool!
Why am I a pretentious fvck to u
Noooo. That sounds so freaking cool!
Coats, coats and coats. I wish I could afford more of these quality chic coats and thigh-high boots. More diverse hats would be great too ~
Oh, yes, they look lovely ~
Thank u
I just wear a sweatshirt and leggings
but if im not being lazy then my style is this: