Your Opinion on "Yo Mama" jokes

To be honest, I hate this type of joke. It’s not funny to me because it’s just a ridiculous joke. I rope it in the same category as the “She/He said” jokes. Don’t get me wrong I won’t get mad at you if you say those jokes. I just won’t repeat the jokes myself is all. You’re free to say what you want but just don’t be surprised if you run into people who do not like these jokes.

What do you think of “Yo Mama” Jokes? Do you think they are hilarious? If you do not like them, then why?



I have a very basic sense of humour so uh I find most jokes funny, including that’s what she’s said jokes and yo mama jokes

I also think @Yomama has funny jokes lmao


Lol it’s okay to find them funny! I have a sassy sarcastic humour so that’s why I don’t really like them.

As long as they actually aren’t directed at someone’s mom

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I think they are cringy if someone says them unironically thinking their good jokes, but more often than not they are told with self awarness

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If anyone makes hurtful jokes on my bestie @Yomama I will sic my dog on them :relieved:




I like that initiative.


I agree. Personally, I never really understood the humor behind them :woman_shrugging:

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Same here, it doesn’t interest me usually.

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They annoy me to no end. It might be because I am a mother. :thinking:

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Probably, makes sense.

“Yo mama” jokes are just kinda insulting if you’re directing it to someone. You don’t know if you’ve mention something that is hurtful to them, because you don’t know completely what’s their family like and topics that are sensitive to them.

It’s fine if it’s not directed to someone, but people might take it personally of they hear it by chance.

So the safest way is to not use those jokes, there are many better jokes if you want to cheer people up.


I completely agree with you!


I love doing yo mama jokes with my siblings


That’s good though!


Yo mama jokes are cringey to me. As long as they don’t come from a place of hatred, or are serious I don’t have a problem with them.

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I don’t mind them unless it’s a direct insult. :eyes:

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Well it depends on who is saying it and to who it’s directed at, I f somebody asked a ridiculous question or one I don’t know the answer to I would reply with " your mum " as a joke but I only do it to people I know. The she/he said jokes are only funny when people use it correctly. But what Inthink is funny may not be funny to someone else, I think people hurting themself is funny as long as they’re not injured.