You're forced to immigrate to an island, where do you go?

Andaman & Nicobar Islands. It’s beautiful, I heard. Also, there was a Black Water Jail built by the British there during the colonial period… so there is one reason I wouldn’t wanna go there :sweat:

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Black water jail?

New Zealand
Beautiful, don’t need to learn a new language

meeting cali

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But what about Maori?

Hehehehe. Meeting Merle would be cool!

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Maori are the aboriginals of NZ.

While Merle was meant to be Meeke but was on my phone and it autocorrected.

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adding that one to the list of ways my name is written (automatic generated ones are included)

But yes I would like to see them. I remember my friend telling me about some dance

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BAHAHAHAHAHA! How many are in the list?

The Haka?

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