So, one of my favourite YouTubers of all time is ContraPoints. If you don’t know her, she’s a binary trans woman and she does a lot of videos that serve to educate and deradicalise people. I love her!
Recently, she shared an experience about her issues with “woke” crowds and how they can cause her more harm than good.
She basically said that when a group of people go through their pronouns because she’s present, it’s distressing to her because it highlights the fact that she’s clockable. She acknowledged that this is an important practice for nonbinary people but expressed that it was at the minor expense of binary trans people.
Obviously Twitter lost it. And I’m really upset that they did. I’m upset for so many reasons. For one (and I’m writing a blog post on this soon), leftists have a really bad habit of attacking minorities and people who genuinely want to help when they make an honest mistake instead of the actual bigots out there. They tend to be a lot more harsh on the people who are trying than those who are actually bigoted. That disgusts me.
But also, why can’t she express her distress and experiences as a trans person without being harassed off the whole bloody platform? She deleted her Twitter! I hate cancel culture because it allows people like Pewdiepie to still keep being relevant while it cancels people who actually want to help.
She wasn’t advocating for us to stop introducing ourselves with pronouns. She was saying when it’s done for her sake, it shows that she’s ambiguous enough that people have to ask, which sets her dysphoria off. That’s fair enough. There is a solution to this. We could make introducing pronouns common even in completely cisgender places! Then it would be fine simply because that’s how things are done. Not because there’s a trans person present.
So moving forward, I’m never going to force people to introduce their pronouns, but if you wanna help your trans and nonbinary friends out there, please consider filling out the pronouns section of the profiles on here if you haven’t already. I hope we can make this one space where everyone is treated the same regardless of gender identity