Adventure Story RP sign-ups (& chat)

Ahh okay, thank you!

Hmm, not that I can think of currently. So, probably won’t change much if anything. I’ll have to post up some time within the next few hours or tomorrow (depending on my sister’s crazy schedule I’m on currently :joy:)

Eheh deep breaths,
okay I got this!

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No worries.

Well, the main thing is for Saga to hop in the car and either drink or not.

You do! (wink)

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@CrazyCaliope in Ismeina and Nathael’s RP, do they find anything if their look around or should u continue with nothing?


Looking around where the car dropped them off? No, they won’t. All I’m waiting for is for them to enter the forest/tree-line and I’ll move on their adventure. (wink)

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Hey @unsungcheerio, it’s your turn, just in case you forgot. (wink)

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Hey @Nil, did you want to reply before I post?


Hey @Edelgard, it’s your turn, just in case you forgot. (wink)

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Hey @OhSumana, did you want to reply before I post?

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Nah you can go first. That’ll give me more to respond to


Alrighty. (wink)


Just hoping Yem doesn’t turn into a tragedy like Odysseus, lol.

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HAHAHA! Why is that?

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Well, she’s planning to climb up the cyclops and stab it in the eye. Might not end well, but that’s the best I got.

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I don’t know. She’s okay so far.

Was she pulled off the ground?

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Nah, not unless you want her to be.

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You can post : D

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Oopsie right I’ll get on that hopefully before Monday

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No worries

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