I got this idea by scrolling through @fcukforcookies’s anonymous confessions thread
Sometimes you have questions that you don’t want to ask because you’re afraid what others will think.
(at least this often happens to me )
Although there are no wrong questions, it’s sometimes easier to ask without others knowing that you were the one to ask. For that, I made this anonymous questions thread
How it works:
You can submit your questions in this form:
I’ll post the questions here and everyone can answer them!
I won’t post confessions or statements here, there are other threads for that! This thread is for asking questions.
If you want to reveal that it was you who asked the question, please do so after I postet it and NOT when submitting the question.
I'll try to post the questions at least once a week, but sometimes I'll be busy and forget about it, so please remind me if I haven't posted questions for some time
I sometimes wonder how big Meghan’s lips get on her period she complained to me about it looking like a botched lip surgery but wouldn’t send a picture