Anti-Abortion Laws/ Abortion Ban

Here’s the thing I’m pro-life 100% Ik some people went through really terrible things but why take it out on the baby? Yeah it’s a fetus and it’s slowly growing but it’s still a human being growing. And Ik who would want to have their rapist baby? But the thing is that baby could grow to be so amazingly smart or funny or change the world in so many ways. Or heck if you really can’t handle the child why not adoption? I’ve never been for it and I’m even more not for abortion since I found out one of my family members actually told my mom abortion is a best option when she was pregnant with me (just because I showed up outta the plan of her life) it hurts just to think that my own family member kinda wanted me dead :woman_shrugging:t5: I mean I wouldn’t even be here if my mom listened to her. So nah fam I’m not for abortions at all.


And what about the woman? she has full potential to become the one to cure cancer but not if she has to skip school or stay hidden for 9 months to give birth or not be able to go to college. Everyone is focusing on a “child” when they should be focusing on the actual woman who is pregnant. because if you care so much then you should be giving her child support making education cheaper so she can get a better job and help her children live better lives themselves,


I mean, if I got pregnant and was actually able to give proper care to it during the pregnancy, I would, and then give it to a loving home if I didn’t want to take care of it- but not everyone has that option, some only have the option of giving the baby to the system.


The foster care system kind of sucks.


Also don’t get me wrong some can’t handle the pay for a kid Ik I wouldn’t if I got pregnant now or something but I also think that the adoption and foster agencies kinda need to be improved like way more so parents who really wanna have a child can adopt. It’s a shame adopting (in America at least) is so dang expensive. And hard to keep the child it’s not fair to the parents that try and want a kid


Like, in a utopian world where children were actually cared for, it wouldn’t be necessary. But the system is awful.

Also. We’re all treating birth and pregnancy like it’s easy, and not life-ruining if the mother doesn’t want it


It does badly I’ve heard things from wannabe foster parents and it hurts to hear how hard things were

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Can we just take a moment?

If the pro-life congressmen really cared about this kind of thing, they’d improve the adoption system before they try to take women’s right to choose away.

If they really cared, they’d be for pumping more money into poverty-stricken areas where there are higher rates of unwanted pregnancies and lower chances of making anything for themselves.

If they really cared, they’d take care of the world the baby would be born into before trying to take rights away.


Seriously. 9 months isn’t a small amount of time, and childbirth isn’t a breeze


Yea, I think that should be done before we make these laws. Sexual education should be focused on more- it would probably eliminate the need for an abortion if everyone was informed.


True and honestly a life with someone who doesn’t want to be a mother like that can harm the child even more. I’m just saying there’s other options and more ways for a child. I just don’t like the idea of termination


But the system is abysmal. Children having bright futures brought up in the foster care system? Because there are many, many children – mainly children of colour – who don’t even get adopted. Their chances of having a good, bright future are slim


Honestly! I feel like that would be such a huge help! Pro-life then why not have better systems?!

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It’s not a nice idea. But why should the mother go through all that pain and strife for a child entering a shit world where they probably won’t survive long anyway?

Abortion shouldn’t be a first case scenario, ever, but these politicians are also making contraception harder to get too


this is a genuine question, sorry if it comes across as rude.

what about rape victims or for health reasons that could potentially harm and/or kill the mother and child? there’s obviously other reasons but these are one of the top reasons.


True I mean just because they make a law against abortion doesn’t mean someone won’t still try which may end up putting the mother in even more danger.


If you live in a bad neighborhood, you can’t get the child to a loving home that you know well, so the only option is to give it to the foster care system.
And what if you’re homeless and on the streets and you get pregnant?
There are not a lot of opportunities when you can barely afford good food or even a house, and if you don’t have health care. The child will either die or end up with disabilities because of improper care during the pregnancy. There is the off chance that they will be perfectly fine, but most likely they will still be put in the foster care system, most likely causing them to be abused and neglected, and then they will make the same mistakes their parents made and have a baby in their teens, they give it to the foster care system, and the whole cycle starts over again.


Oh of course I didn’t find it rude.

But ik what you mean I mean who would want to have their rapist kid? That’s honestly when I would kinda think abortion is needed but then I think about what about the kid? What did the kid do in order to have it’s life ended? They’re life could turn out so much different. Idk I think about the future a lot and take things farther.

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Honestly I don’t agree with the no abortion if rape or incest is involved since you weren’t really ready for that, but if you accidentally conceive, you have to take responsibility for your actions.


and, didn’t want to edit the post and catch you off guard @Chocolate_Mama, what about the younger teens or even 10- year old girls who get pregnant? people are forcing people in middle school to keep a child. (ages 11-14)